Better life
7:37 PM Monday, October 24, 2011
I'm back here becos I am partially free from my studies! I've completed my N Level & feel so free now. :) I don't know how am i gonna fair for my N Level, but i do wish to have a good marks. It's over & i really do not want to think about it, but sometimes i can't help to think & start panicking over the results which will be out probably on the 16th Dec. K, no more bullshitting about my N Level. I went to USS after my N Level was over! Enjoy~
Noreen stayed over at my house before the day we go for USS. We woke up really early just to reach USS with little people so we do not need to queue up for the rides! However,
not to my surprise, we are not in time! Becos of Jill & Gloria. Noreen & i was on time, & we even had the time to walk to Paya Lebar & eat! Gathered altogether & head off to USS!
I was really excited when i walk into USS. When I saw the big ball(?) written "Universal", i just can't wait to enjoy immediately! However, god isn't on our side. The weather was rather bad, it just kept raining & never stopped. :(

& there was a man who came to us becos he want to take photo with us. Hahaha! & in return, he help us took photos too!

Walked in & start taking photos. Idk what cartoon is this, really forget everything about my childhood. But this cartoon is so cute. He/she kept copying us laugh, damn cute!

The first ride i took was the "Cylon" ride. Omg, it's awesome! Jill & Gloria didn't take the ride with Noreen, Tifflin & me. They're too afraid of it. :( What a pity! It is my first time that i took the Cylon ride, & when i reach the top & see other people sitting the ride, i got really scared! My heart rate raced & my palm was sweaty. & finally it's our turn to get on to the ride, i just felt like backing out! We sat on the first row some more. When the operator said,"5, 4, 3, 2, 1" Noreen & me screamed already. Hahahaha! & the ride just went down like some crazy thing. It was so scary that i don't know where my heart went to. The only thing i hate about the ride is the front part where it goes very very high & it just go down! The rest is just awesome like crazyyyyy! When the ride ended, i was so happy & excited.
The next ride we went on was the "Human" ride! It is as exciting & great as the "Cylon" ride! Just that it doesn't turn 360 degree. Hehehe.
I can't remember which rides we took, but we literally took all the rides in USS. ^^ Pictures will do the talking!

Oh, i watch the water show. Forgotten what does it call, but yup. The water show. Noreen & i sat on the "soak" area. But we didn't get as wet as we expected. But it's still fun! ^^
Around 7, we left USS becos all the rides has closed. Said bye to USS & head back home. :)
Anyway, I've start working. It is really tiring! I'm working as a banquet(not the coffee shop), but i work as a waitress to serve people in events like wedding. My feet literally hurts like crazy when i walk one step after i end work. Worked for 4 days already & decided to change! It is really too tiring & the manager is really sucky. They only say, but don't do. -.- fuck, go away la.
K, I've been shopping online quite intensively! My pocket gonna have a hole son, omgggg. ;( I need to work doubly hard to get loads of money! & i still have no idea what to wear for my cousin's wedding. She suddenly decided to change & make everyone to wear a maxi for her wedding dinner. I don't want, i think short dresses look & nicer. Oh! I am still dieting, very badly! Trying my best. HAHAHA.
Alright, ending here. Xoxo. <3