A day.
1:17 AM Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Noreen & me literally went crazy. Yeah, we wanted to act cool to take photos & i just want to upload it & talk about it.
If i don't do anything, one day i will just stop blogging becos i have nothing to blabber about, haha. Agree? Yes, agree. But maybe some of you may think that blogging is just to blog about your life & certain matters. Don't tell me you gonna blog about a day that you just sleep on the bed & daydream. -.- (You all may not be stupid to even blog about that day, i know.) But what if your hands are itchy, you have nothing to do & you thought of blogging? So yes, get what i mean right now? Haha yes all of you do.
Noreen & I met up for dinner at SingPost Mac. However, I did not eat. I just went to accompany her. (My plan for my diet is still on ok. Hope it is still going on well~) Oh, yesterday all i ate was just... Half of large seaweed fries & a Mac Flurry.. Yes, all damn fat right? But ey, i only ate that. Should be ok right? While blogging, my stomach is growling eh. Pity me a bit la. :(
Noreen went home with me around 9.30pm. WE SWAM. We had no idea what time the lights of the swimming will be switched off so we didn't care much & just stop swimming when the lights says goodnight.
Both of just kept swimming back & forth, suddenly, ah, no light anymore. Only managed to swim 40plus laps when we aimed to swim for 50laps. But its alright. Becos within 20minutes, 40plus laps not bad eh. Plus got rest a bit a bit. Quite productive.
Showered together with Noreen, fyi, with swimming costume on. Shampoo our hair we started playing with water. Damn fun, & i am sure both of us grown even closer than before. We just kept playing with water, splash each other, wash other. HAHAHA ENJOYYYY SO MUCHHH. :D
Watched tv & took those photos on top. ^^
I went to run in ECP with Jolene on Saturday, stopped a bit & continue. Next day, a little aching in my muscle. I do really hope that day i lose some calories. Then i went for swimming, 70 laps. PLS. TELL ME I AM LOSING CALORIES. & what. Yesterday swim. PLS LET ME LOSE WEIGHT. :/
I have no idea what are you thinking. Do you actually mean everything you've said to me? Becos it feels like... A Lie. What i am doing now is just to protect myself, to make you actually care(if you even care.) & what i do is what some of girls will do even i know you're those type who don't care. But yes.
Not in the right mood now. Kinda sad over some stuff, but trying to adjust my own emotions. So yeap.
Bye! ♥