I am extremely proud to say that Kcchoir got a gold for syf.
Oh well, I am listening to the audio of kcchoir SYF 2011. :D I am not getting bored of it even though hearing n times. Especially Jaakobin. It is the best! It is awesome. Even other conductors said that this is the best version of Jaakobin they have ever heard! Haha, the last part of Jaakobin was awesome. IN PITCH. The chords are so tight! Sop 1 didn't went sharp, oh yeah. Hehe.
19th April, it is the our first SYF with Mr Toh. He is a great conductor, & i swear he is the best. :) Even better than our previous two conductors, no offence. But yeah, thats the truth. Mr Toh was so calm in teaching us despite making the same mistakes over again & again. Mr Toh always come out with lame jokes to make choir practices fun. Mr Toh tells us meaningful story that make us apply in our life. Mr Toh don't go for other choir practices becos of us sometimes. HOW AWESOME CAN HE BE? As for kcchoir, we're just too awesome. We start off with the two selected SYF song piece lousy. Mistakes after mistakes. & worst, every week we repeat the same mistakes over again & again. No improvement. Noisy bunch of girls talking non-stop, leaders shout at us to make us stop talking, we got so irritated becos they're being such a bitch. Everyone don't put in their best during sectionals, during combine. WE JUST SUCK. 2 weeks before SYF, we're still out of pitch, having auditions, dynamic & everything is still not perfect. 1 week before SYF, was improving after those scoldings & naggings from the leaders & Mr Toh. 1 day before SYF, getting the chords together for Yoru. ON THE DAY OF SYF, EVERYONE IS SO DISTRACTED. Warm-up sucks. Mr Toh came, rehearse, Yoru sharp. Rehearse twice & left for sota. 2 mouthful of pi pa gao before leaving KC. Another 2 mouthful of pi pa gao before performing. We prayed, we shivered, we trembled, just hoping for the best. Held hands walking into the backstage of the stage before entering. Doors open, walked in with a smile. "On stage now is choir No. 118 from CHIJ Katong Convent. They will be performing The Wind, followed by Jaakobin & Yoru. Let's welcome CHIJ Katong Convent & their conductor, Mr Terrence Toh." *claps* Mr Toh walked in, concentrate on him & nothing else. Piano start playing "The Wind" & we began to sing. Piano played wrongly, but we didn't go out of tune. Messy, but we still did our best. Jaakobin, perfect. Erika solo was totally in pitch. Wanted to cry so much after Erika sing & Mr Toh said,"Well Done" twice with his lips. With his thumbs up. Yoru, trying our very best to be good in it. Gave our best & went sharp for the last page. We didn't know & thought it was ok till Mr Toh told us that Yoru went major sharp, not minor sharp. Everyone got so scared & start worrying. Teachers went into the SYF room to know about our results. Kcchoir waiting outside, never leaving the place. Worrying, hugging & praying. Teachers came out, ran to them &... "GOLD!" Everyone started crying becos we're too happy. We didn't expected so much after knowing we went sharp for Yoru for the most important page! Started taking photos. & all the photos were filled with our happy face. Our hard work paid off. Everyone started shouting in the bus becos we're too happy. :) Got back home, thanked Mr Toh in facebook & his status really satisfied many choir members. Cos in his heart we really tried our best & he is proud of us. Definitely there's more people who liked it after a longer period of time.
KC Choir did not bring down Mr Toh's reputation as a gold conductor. Becos with his guidance, all choirs will get gold or gwh. We was really fretting over the award that we gonna get FOR Mr Toh, not ourselves or the school. Worse, we are his first female choral singer, which means first SSA choir! Of course we want to let him be very proud right?! & oh yes, we made him proud.
I really don't know how to say how proud i am of KC Choir. Thank you choir for putting your best, spending time in choir & thank you for everything that you guys did for choir! I am stepping down & coming back next year. Even i am coming back next year, i am still missing choir & feel like i am not coming back anymore. :< CHOIR, WORK HARD OK! I love you guys a lot. :D ♥
Our wonderful performance. :) Only Jaakobin. "The Wind" & "Yoru" is not up.
Yours truly,
Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.