I am back with using blogger instead of wordpress. I think that blogger suits me more & i work better with it as compared to wordpress. So yes, i will start blogging in this blog again if i have time. If not, i'll probably be MIA.
Actually, i have a lot of things that i want to say. As what many people always say, there is so much things that you don't know where to begin & you just don't know how to phrase what you want to say.
Firstly, i am having my N Levels this year. I am not studying as hard as i am expected to. I am worrying about it, i speak, but no actions. So it is pointless to keep saying how stress i am over N Level & how much i worry about. Maybe i should really start working hard so i can achieve my goals. I'll work hard, & i must.
Secondly, SYF is coming out. SYF is on the 19th April. Choir isn't sounding very good yet. From my own opinion, it is not up to the standard yet. SYF 2011, KC Choir may not get a gold. I just don't get why people join choir but they're not putting any effort into choir. You guys join choir. The first reason that come up to everyone's mind is, BECOS YOU LOVE TO SING. Since you enjoy singing, sing for the choir. Be in pitch, support & at least put in your best in every practices. If not, you're just slowing down the whole choir. Which sucks. Cos people who is not putting any effort into SYF, i just feel pissed & i hope you guys just
get out of choir la. Don't waste time, it is precious. -.- Just try putting yourself in the seniors' shoe. We've worked so hard for SYF 2009 by getting a gold. ARE YOU ALL GOING TO BRING DOWN TO SILVER? BRONZE? WORST, COP?! Some of you are just so self-centered. Especially the juniors. & i mean the Sec 1 & 2. & the seniors who are graduating this year, when they want to use choir to enter a JC. SYF 2011 KC Choir Silver. It will just lower the chance for them to get into the JC they want. So pls, spare a thought alright?! Srsly.
Thirdly, Mum told me about Mama being sick & might just leave me anytime. I was sad, but i didn't know how to show out how much i really care & how sad i am. So i just kept quiet & asked some questions. Only till my mum told me about if anything happen, she will be going back. Immediately, i said,"I want to go. I have to go..." While saying the sentence, my tears just kept flowing down. However, i really hope nothing happen to her. Especially before 19 April, becos i cannot leave & just go back. I have my commitments for KC Choir. & i really would not want to be irresponsible. So yeah. So pls god? Nothing must happen. Really. :( It really sucks that God create illnesses & stuff that will lead to death. I don't like to see anyone i know to die, even my enemy. I mean, who would like to see people die? Especially someone you know & someone that means something to you. If you really enjoying seeing the population decrease, i would be happy seeing you die then.
Lastly, i am getting distracted over friendship problems. I guess no one know that i am actually having a friendship problem. Only a few know? Not many people know becos i did not talk to you about it, i don't want to have problems over again & again. This year is a very important year for me & i don't think problems like friendship should actually make me feel super distracted & feel sad over it. So i'll head her advise & just not bother.
These are just the main things that is happening in my life that impacts me more every single day, except the 3rd one. I think about the first, second & last one every single day. & other things i want to say is just a more in depth about it. Yess.
Alright, it looks damn ugly without photos. So i am just going to add random photos that i have since 2011 with my darls. :)

Aren't we cute? :D

Stayover is the best night with anyone~ :D

We're just so... BOOMS.

Amanda love me so much. Hee.
There is E-learning tomorrow. I don't have to go school, yay. :) But i have to wake up at 8am to do e-learning. It is already 2.34am. I AM STILL AWAKE. I have a feeling i will miss doing some subjects... Hehe. k bye! Shall sleep soon.