I am so jealous of some people with nice legs, skinny arms & slim body. Are they gifted or do they put in effort to have it? Hmm, i am somehow in the process of
trying to on diet. I really hope this time i will succeed. At least let me lose like 1kg-3kg la? I don't want any gaining of weight. I want losing of weight. Yes! But i think its kinda hard. There's a lot of requirement to really slim down la. First, is how strong is your will power. Second, exercise. Third, eat lesser. Fourth, eat less fried food. Fifth, stop with everything you like to eat that is fattening.
& know what? All these requirements are kinda hard for me to do it. My will power may be strong, but its on & off. I may just stop with dieting & eat what i feel like eating. Becos i have this mindset like.. "Okay, I've eaten very little for the pass few days, can la. Lose some calories, eat all these should be okay la ah." But i have never thought that what i lose, once i eat things i like to eat, i gain back what i lost, or maybe even gain calories from it. I hate to exercise. I am just not a sporty person. I AM A INDOOR KIND OF PERSON. But i like swimming becos i don't need to feel hot. After swimming i will feel hot la, at least will not be smelly & sticky. Eating lesser may be alright for me. But make sure no one eat something nice in front of me. If not they'll temp me & i may just go buy it or steal some. (signs of no will power.) Most of my favorite food is fried food. LIKE.. WHOSE FAVORITE FOOD IS NOT FRIED?! Majority sure is fried food one la, trust me. I CANNOT EVEN DO THE FIRST 4 CRITERIA, HOW TO DO THE LAST ONE!?
I dislike how the fats wobble when i walk. I dislike how the fats looks like. I dislike how thick the fats are. I dislike how ugly the fats looks like. I dislike having fats.

(got a cartoon one so i will not insult people which is really fat!!!)
What if one day i become like what is showing in the cartoon? The butt so big, the thigh so big, the arm so big, the face expression bend down like want to die already. Even the cat see my butt also got a shock. Thinking,"WTH! SUCH BIG BUTTS EXIST ONE AH?!" I really don't want this kind of image on myself.
I think i continue eating non-stop, i'll look like the picture on top. By then, even a pet don't want me. :( No one want to be friends with me, no one loves me, no one know me. & i will die of a earlier age. Sigh, this is depressing.
If i really can control myself from eating certain food, better. So.. will i ever be like this??? :/

Will i ever be like SNSD? (even they photoshop, how much can they photoshop it?) Legs so slim, body so nice, so pretty, arm so skinny! IF ONE DAY I BECOME LIKE THEM.. I WILL MAKE SURE I WILL MAINTAIN IT, FOREVER. But the fact is, i can't. :( & the fact is, this will never happen in me. SIGH.
Why am i not gifted with all these?! :(
& guess what! I am craving a lot of food now thanks to Noreen! Then slowly from one food to another. I want to eat. Can i? OMG! JAIMEEEEEEE. WHY YOU SO PIG? Someone, help me?