I can stand up with my two feets now. :)

If you asked me back, without hesitation, i would definitely go back to you. I told her i had the urge to go back to you, her answer, also without hesitation was
NO. I told her the reason why, i told her how i was feeling, but her answer is still
NO. She insisted, a only
NO. I told her, if i wanna let go, i cannot let the memories manipulate me. If not, i would not bear to let go. I was really low at that moment, knowing that everyone doesn't want me to go back to you & i shouldn't go back to you, but my heart just wants to run to you, & let it belong to you even the whole world is against with the choice. Becos all i want is/was you. & you never notice that.
Do you think i won't want to message you? I want, but i can't. The more i message you, the more its harder for me to let go of you. You sms-ing me & me not replying your message just becos there isn't much to reply, is that the usual me the way i treat you? No, even there's nothing to reply, i will still reply you, without fail. But now, i just DID not reply you. You said you're still waiting for my messages everyday, i'm glad to hear that. Really. :) But i still have to say,
I enjoy sms-ing you.I'm thinking why have i been so tired so lately. Hahah, & what i love to do now is to sleep. I think these September Holiday i just gonna sleep if i have the chance to! Today i slept from 5pm-8pm. Hahah, almost everyone knows i'm sleeping. Therefore, when i didnt reply their messages, they didn't message me again. Lol, sweet ah them! :)
Went to church today, since Jonathan invited me. Hahah. Yesterday slept at 2am, thus i really had a hard time dragging myself to the toilet at 9.50am. :( I almost fall asleep while showering. Look at my closet to think what to wear, left house in a rush since bus 40 was coming. Hahah, slowly walked to primary school. Walked to the church with Jonathan. As Jonathan's mum was once my Primary 4 form teacher & teaches me almost all the subjects, i felt a bit awkward. Hahaha. However, Mrs Tam still caught me! Hahah, she is the BEST teacher. I love her, she always make cert to encourage students. :) I got 4 from her. Hahahah! Cool right. The church had to sing & etc, wow, i don't know whats going on. Wanted to sleep. Hahah. Was feeling cold, the gentleman Jonathan pass me his jacket. After all those prayings & etc, THEY INTROUDUCED ME! I HAD TO STAND. Oh my! They was like saying,"Today there's a new person invited by Jonathan. Her name is Jing Wen." AHHH, I WAS DAMN PAISEH LA. Hmm! Had lunch there, then went to 7-11. :) Went for class, had to read bible. Hahaha, the teacher keep praying for me. Sweet of him. :D Hahah, the room was freezing. & everyone was cold, yet Jonathan still being so nice to lend me his jacket not wanting it back. Hmmm, not bad. Oh, Ryan Poon was there too. HAHAH, he is forever crazy over "sumsang". -.- Oh my!

Then Jonathan went parkway with me like for fun, then took bus to sing post to look for Noreen. Hahah, talked & laughed. :) Noreen & me went hyper. I think Jonathan was paiseh for a moment with us. Not bad la. Went home around 4plus, bathed & slept all the way till 8. HAHAHAHA, SHIOK.
Now talking to Denise in ooVoo. :D We're like acting drama-ish. HAHAHAH. Like baby here baby there! HAHAHA, LOVE HER.

Look at our drama-mama talks!
Tmrw daddy gonna bring me to starhub! OH YES. Means i will get new stuffs. :D EVEN IM NOT GONNA GET IT, IM SURE I CAN PERSUADE. But if daddy is ready to get me iPhone 4 tmrw, i may reject. (: Becos i always want a chio white phone. So i shall wait for iPhone 4 white colour. HAHAHAHA.
Daddy was funny just now!
Daddy: Ey, mummy call got ask about me not?
Jaime & Eileen: NO? ONLY ASK ABOUT US. :D
Daddy: Oh... Okay.
Eileen: WHY? Jealous ah?
Daddy: NO?!
HAHAHA, Daddy ah Daddy, jealous, then say la, don't act like its nothing that mummy did not ask about you. Hahah, cute la.
AHHHHHH, he asked me for stead. Lol, what~ I'm not ready for any boyfriends now. LIKE, STUDIES IS MY FIRST NOW. I think i gonna... THINK ABOUT IT. (:
I shall list out my plans for September Holidays! :D Hahah. Look.
MondayAfter going starhub, shall study Geog, Lit & do 30 minutes of Math. :)
TuesdayNot sure if Xiaoqing & Noreen is coming my house to stayover. :) If they are, then i'm sure we will have loads of funs in the night. Go library studying with Amanda, not sure if Jolene is tagging along. However, before studying, we gonna eat FISH. :D Heehee.
WednesdayEat lunch with Sandra & Jolyn, then head to school for choir. 1pm to 4pm is choir time, afterwards, gonna stay in school. Mr Pang gonna teach me math, with Jolene & other people from my clique.
ThursdayNoreen coming my house & we gonna study the whole day! :)
FridayMy darl Jolyn's party, & Friday is break day too, so it shall be alright. Not gonna study!
SaturdayGonna study before tuition, then head to tuition.
Sunday1-3 tuition, i think, tuition end, STUDY. :D
Haha, thats my plan. :) I think i'm not distracted by anything now, except about having a boyfriend not. SO YEAH. Hahah.
I've been kissing my sister recently! I kissed her just now, & she was like,"I feel like i'm being rape!" Hahah, & she was trying to get away from me till she was sweating like shit. Sister & me have been irritating each other. Hahah, & now we always talk, gossip & etc. I love it! :D Hahah.

HAHAHA, I SPAMMED KAYXI'S WALL. & SHE LIKED ALL. Hmm, quite a nice full notifications from her. :)
Its 1.17am now & my eyes are still wide open for dont know what reason. My hands are still moving for the computer & phone too, hahah, at least there's people still awake with me. :) LOL, i think i need to sleep soon becos tmrw i have to wake up early to go starhub. Bye peepes. :)