Mummy, it's over.
JONATHAN SAID WE'LL SMS OVER 4K SMSES. BOTH OF OUR BILL GONNA EXPLODE! :D We'll see! Stupid him asking Windon how was it to sms me 3k smses so he would be prepared. Asshole. But he said sms-ing me was a happy thing, hmm, shall forgive him. :P
Yes, i know what I'm hoping for. :) Which is, a new life.Yesterday it was teacher's day. & yeah, there's no lessons at all. :) & thats what a student always want. Hahaha. Had acer dance. The tuvalu dance. Haha, its quite awesome i can say. The teachers danced too! Haha, i think the person who can see & is the tallest is Lim Kay Xi lo. Claudia piggyback her. Lol.
Changed into blouse, & walked to the hall for mass. Omg, boring boring. Was sitting with Kayxi. Lol, both of us literally falling asleep. Hahah, & she scare me when i open my eyes. She stare at me, i jumped. Hahah, wth right. Then so many stupid things happen la! Oh, one thing i shall talk about is. Becos whenever Kayxi covers my mouth, i'll tend to lick her hand. & she find it itchy, haha, so she remember, she take my hand & do it to me! OMG, ITCHY! AHHHH. Then she keep licking me, my whole hand was her saliva. :( Ewww. So both of us plan that i do to XingWen, Kayxi do to Amanda. Hahah, we succeeded! :) Amanda did to Tifflin, & Tifflin was disgusted! HAHA. After the mass, was recess.
OH YES OH YES OH YES. :D Ate with Kayxi, Rae & Coral. :) Kayxi licked Rae's hand. I licked Coral's hand! HAHAHA. Funny ttm. Coral wipe my saliva on Rae. & Rae wipe Kayxi's saliva on herself! HAHA. Didn't have the mood to eat becos of my mouth, its hurting. :( Hurhur. After eating, took photos!

Kayxi's twist pose! :D

Spastic pose.

My stupid irritating face that Kayxi says. :)

Can see my curly hair! HAHA. :D

My friends are awesome!

Xingwen baby!

Amanda, my cute pie! Haha! My face there so nice! HAHA. :X


Bern, my past best friend that was once in 102! She went to express, ahh! Still love her as much as i always do.

Denise act cool!

Kayxi! My bestest bestest friend. :) MOHOHO.
Hugged Ms Nadira! :) Omg, damn nice. Nisa hug until cry. I found out, Ms Nadira is a nice teacher. I love her so much, she love our class so much. Omg, so gonna pass my English to make her happy. :)
Went back to the hall, for teacher's day celebration! ALL THE PERFORMANCES ARE
AWESOME. Brought camera along, so Jolene, Kayxi & me kept taking photos. :) We sat at the front too! We took photos of the performances too! Lameeeee. Kayxi, her fellow friends & me kept shouting "azidaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!" & Nikita laughed while playing the guitar when she saw me! Whenever she see me, shé'll laugh. Thats so funny. Hmm. Photos time!!!!

Our dimples! :D

Darlings! :D


Jolene, nonsense partner! :)

Without fail, Kayxi & me always do the same face unknowingly. :)

After school, went to parkway with Sonia & Xingwen to have lunch. :) Ate pastamania! Couldn't eat finish cos of my mouth, again. Totally ruin everything! Left quite a lot of pasta.

Hahah. Walked around & meet Fiona at parkway bus stop at 3.
Started laughing when i see her & she gave me that "what i do?!" face! Stupid her! Walked to Tanjong Katong Primary since Windon, Weishi, Sebastian & Denise were there. Haha, the whether was so hot! I started singing last minute songs about the whether. Fiona stopped walking without me knowing. Turned around & saw her standing farfar from me! :( She say i am a retarded. Worse of all, she say,"You never change at all. All you know is to laugh!" Lol, i never change meh! Got loh, ahemahem. Reached Tanjong Katong Primary, saw all of them, omg, awkward ttm! HAHA. Kept quiet. Xiaoqing darl smsed & told me she outside school le, i ran to her & hugged her! HAHAHA, I MISS HER! However, Fiona hugged her first. :/ Talked while walking to Katong Shopping Centre to meet Adrian! Stupid Sebastian step on my shoe, argh! Saw Adrian, hahah! He is damn nonsense as ever that will never fail to make me laugh! His stupid face, his stupid character. & when he do something, i'll laugh! & everyone there, start to say this tgt. "Jaime! YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE. ONLY KNOW HOW TO LAUGH! EVEN THE LAUGHTER IS THE SAME AS EVER." When all of them said that, i kept quiet for a moment, & i start bursting out laughing again! Hahahah! Funny funny. Saw sister! Ran to her, & my bag drop. Paiseh ttm! Everyone laughed at me, even sister's friend! OMG. Weishi kept asking us to take photos, so we did. Hahah.

The old place that we always hang out! :)

As they were taking their time to decide where to go, i was thinking if i should go home & change. Lol, end up, i did. :) Oh, was talking about who same class & about primary school life. Anyway, their first place was to go Vivo. Haha, however, Fiona couldn't go, so they thought of Parkway which is like, omg
no. So i don't know where the hell they're going, i just went home with Xiaoqing. Hahah, Xiaoqing was talking about our stayovers. Funny stuffs started to flow & made both of us stop & laugh so badly. Hahaha. Miss those times! :D Showered & get prepared, Adrian called & told us that they're going Marina Sqaure to watch movie. Movie is Step Up. Haha, nice one fellows!
On the way to Marina Square. :D

Our ugly pose! xD

First thing we do there was to EAT. Haha, Xiaoqing & me didn't eat becos we're still full, for whatever reasons we have. Hahah, so we just stare at them eat. Sebastian went to put GARLIC in Weishi's pasta! & Weishi claiming that was Ham. Hahah, & they even put garlic in Weishi's sugercane! Omg, so poor thing. Weishi drank & said,"Why spicy spicy one? Sugercane like that one eh?" Everyone started laughing, yet she has no idea whats going on. Haha, cute only. The boys keep bullying her like making her straw flat & she has to go to the stall many times just to get straws! Hahah, the guys impressed me. They can make a sound out of the straw just by flicking it, omg! Cool. & i was so amazed by it, the freaking irritating Adrian copy my face! Lol, make me laugh only!

Sebastian trying to be glam! There's more picture of him, however, i'm lazy to upload it!

Adrian act "chio"!

After eating, went to the cinema. Oh my god, it was damn cold. Everyone was freezing, even the boys! Shared my "husband" jacket with Sebastian, cheh. What kind of guy is he! My jacket was big enough to cover two people. Haha, Xiaoqing was cold till she keep going up & down trying ways to warm herself. Can just say, everyone was literally turning to ice cubes! HAHAHAHAHA. :D The front part of Step Up was boring that i felt like sleeping. I fall asleep on Sebast's shoulder! HAHA, PAISEH.
After the show, went out & think of where to go. Took photos! :D

My new boyfriend! :) Hahahah!
Soon, around 10plus, Weishi & Denise went off. Which means, Xiaoqing, Jingyi, Sebastian & myself were at the rooftop talking rubbish. Suddenly, Xiaoqing saw something. I saw too, Jingyi, Xiaoqing & me got freaked out! HAHAH, I WAS LITERALLY GRABBING SEBASTIAN'S HAND TIGHT! JingYi & Xiaoqing clinged together. We immediately left the place walking two by two around 11plus. Went home after that. Sebastian knew i was still in the stage of fright, he offered to go home with me. Oh yay, gentlemen sia him. Changed changed. :) HAHAH. Sebastian stayed at my house till 1am plus. Lollol, he gonna go club. -.-
Tuesday was a awesome day man, did not regret going out with primary school friends. :) The boys actually cheered me up after knowing that they were tgt. The boys not knowing i was upset, their nonsense just never stop to bring laughters to the convo. I really miss those times in primary school. I really miss mix school. Sometimes i wonder, will it be better if i transfer school out when i was Sec 1 which my parents allow. & i think my answer is.. Yes. Look at me now, pathetic loser without a single shit. :) However, its alright, i'll find what is right for me, one day, soon.
I did something really wrong on Tuesday. I have no idea what was i doing. Why didn't i stop it?! Why did i allow it? Omg, becos i allow it, now I'm thinking about it & worrying what if that happens. Oh gosh. Now, only 3 people know about this & the amount of people shall not increase anymore. If not, soon, the whole school know, my parents know, they'll kill me. Sigh, i must be crazy at that moment...
Today, i went to NK to do treatment! :) Woke up damn early, at like 9. STUPID JOLYN MAKE THE APPOINTMENT SO EARLY. Jolyn curled her hair. :) My mother signed loads of package in NK, therefore whatever i do its like, free of charge. :) Shiok. Jolyn have curly hair now! HAHAH.
Reached home like around 3plus, was damn freaking tired becos i slept late last night, i slept for 3h. I woke up at 6plus. Hahah, shiok. Watched tv, fight with my sister & sms my primary school friends all day long. :) ITS ACTUALLY FUN TO SMS THE BOYS. Haha, full of craps.
Alright, i shall go off now! BYE. :)