Liar liar pants on fire.
Lol, today she walked pass the class, Jolyn Phoen,"OIE!!!!!" & everyone turned when i was like,"EY, THE FISH IS HERE THE FISH IS HERE!" All those people around me turned. & Noreen turned too becos i shouted,"NOREEN! FISH FISH FISH!!!!!" Hahaha, cool man. Everyone hates you two, oh my! :(
Ms Nadira's lesson was awesome. I had the mood to pay attention, so i wrote loads of notes on my paper. Cool only loh, now i look at my paper i so happy. I look like some hardworking girl(i bet my friends read this, they will be like "ahemahem"! Mean people). & Ms Nadira was so disappointed in her
form class. Haha. Cos exams are coming, yet 13people plus never pass up homework. She said about many teachers complain about our class, very naughty, noisy, never pay attention, keep passing notes. Lol. Omg, i didn't 302 is that bad!!!!!!! :D Anwyays, Ms Nadira said out some of the notes that our class people wrote.
"I want to find a boyfriend. I want him so much. I gonna wait for him since he gonna break up with his girlfriend!"
Hahah, these topic is so damn freaking funny. I started laughing my ass out!
Chemistry lesson was fun ttm too! FOR THE FIRST TIME ITS FUN! :D You know why its fun, when Mr Lim call the person name, the people beside them have to stand instead. Who stand up the slowest, have to answer the question. HAHAHA, THERE'S SO MANY FUNNY REACTIONS WHEN PEOPLE GOT A SHOCK. & Jolyn Phoen's reaction was damn funny. She was like asking Mr Lim to call whoever whoever. Mr Lim suddenly called Mirei, Jolyn was beside her, everyone beside Mirei stand, but not Jolyn. She was like,"HUH?! WHAT! OMG! SHIT!" & the whole class laughed, even Jolyn herself was laughing till her face was red. Haahaha!
Jill was funny. Cos i vandalise Jill's chair by using liquid paper. Afterwards, i use pen to write.
Jill: Don't use pen, very ugly!
Jaime: As ugly as you??? :D
Jill: Tsk!
I was damn fucking piss during geog! Mrs Siva never come, so had to go down to the canteen. That freaking man in the dress picked on me. I never even talk she ask me to move.
Men in the dress: This girl, sit here. *points to table*
I turned to Jolene & say,"Knn, never even talk ask me to move."
Men in the dress: What did you say?!
Jaime: What?! I never even talk to you, i talking to her la. Cheh.
I moved to the table she pointed, throw my stuffs & stare into space. That freaking men in the dress, still stared at me!
Men in the dress: Not that table, this table!
Jaime: WHAT?! You said this table loh, walao.
Men in the dress: I pointed to this table, not that!
Omg, she bloody ruin my mood man. Cb.
When the school is ending, Jolyn was still sleeping. The bell rang, she suddenly wake up & ask,"WHAT LESSON ARE WE HAVING NOW?!?!?!!?!!!" I looked at her & said,"GO HOME JOLYN GO HOME!!!!!" HAHAHA, omg! She damn blur. Jolyn said back,"OMG, TODAY SO FAST! HAHA, I THOUGHT STILL GOT WHAT LESSON EH!"
After school, went to Amanda's house first to get her stuffs. Afterwards, went parkway with Jolene, Jill & Amanda. :D Ate Mac! OH YAY. Haha, then sister came. She is a bit retarded today, her wire connect wrong today. So irritated by her! Hahaha, but she's still my darling sister that understands & loves me a lot! :D Hee!
Went to the library, studied. Omg, i just couldn't at all. My eyelid was so heavy, i slept! HAHAHA, COOL ONLY. :D
Yesterday night, Noreen totally make me go high that i couldn't sleep! She called me, then we started talking about boliao stuffs. She asked me to on my laptop so i can show her the cute dress i bought. So i did! Then we started copying poses from people we hate. If you see the pictures, & you find the poses so familiar, probably i'm talking about
you. :) Haha, don't get offended kayzxzx!

Ms Nadira's pose! HAHA!

It amazea me when that someone treasures me so much when i only know that person less than a year. It amazea me when that someone love me so much when i only know that person less than a year. However, it amazea me even more that you can just leave me, not care about me, don't love me, don't treasure me when i know you more than 2 years.
Ha. I guess this is how fair the world is.