This is how i try to be happy everyday. :)Hoho, there's actually nothing much for me to blog about. I'm just probably too bored that i have to type something, somewhere, & therefore it shall be here. Haha. So actually, you guys can choose not to read this post.
HAPPY SWEET 16 JILL. Hope you like the card i gave you even though its kinda childish in all ways. xD But i really put in effort to do the card as my art sucks really ttc. I had hard time drawing the block letters cos i suck in drawing block letters. Plus all those colourings, was really tiring. & becos of the card, i stayed up till 12plus. Be honoured Jill. :) We've been sms-ing more than a month everyday, hm, kinda surprised becos i don't usually sms people everyday as i get bored becos there won't be any topics to talk about. & you coming out with topics just to let the convo flow, its really hard ah. Hahah. Love ya, & enjoy your day!
Today is the last day of term 3. & we have a 1week break. However, all teachers say its not a break for us. & i know it myself that, its not a break for me too. Its a study break for me. That one week i really have to buck up in my studies & make sure nothing distract my attention. So therefore, this few days, i gonna clear my mind & get ready to study. :)
Gonna meet up friends to study together. & Wednesday after choir, gonna meet Mr Pang to teach us Math. :) HAHAH. Tuesday MAYBE going library to study with amanda. & Thursday Noreen coming my house to study. So i guess, i gonna study one whole week. :D JIAYOU PEOPLE!
Lol, today i see so many stuffs that i hate to see. & so nice, one its in the morning, & the last one its after school! Wow, that really bright up the starting of my day & end of my day. But I'm
surprised that i wasn't feeling as sad as i am actually feeling.
Today's lessons are so boring, felt like dying. OH MY. The time just feels like its not even moving, the second hand always stays, the minute hand always stays, the hour hand always stays. :( Today is the last day of school, & it sucksssssss. D:
Got back result slip. Wasn't as bad as i expected. :) I only failed combine humans which is like Social Studies & Geog. I hate Social Studies, i like Geog. WHY MUST THEY COMBINE THESE TWO TGT! ARGH. My class position is... 22. Hahah, comments by Ms Nadira was awesome. :) HMMMM~ She wrote this,"Jaime displays an eagerness to improve. She handles tasks assigned with care & sensitivity." Hahah not bad. Ms Nadira love to find me to do stuffs! Like collecting large amount of money for the KC Carnival ticket. Hahah. My comments from teachers are always good, & thats a good thing k! :D
Oh, yesterday had choir. New conductor, named Terrence Toh. Hmm, his quite ok? I still prefer Mr Qiu though. Hahah, shouldn't say why, but yeah. :) Mr Toh made us sing last minute songs, even made us sing our last year's SYF piece. Omg, it sounded like, oh gosh~ Hahah. He gonna do audition to know our voice range. :) I am used to audition actually. Every year, choir members have to undergo this. So, i was like, ahhh, whats new. :S However, Mr Toh had to leave like 4plus. He asked the leaders to audition us instead, however, next next lesson he still gonna audition us again. I reached till high high high G which means high high high "So". Wow, i didn't know i can go up till so high. Compliment myself, I'm the highest in Sop 1, which means probably, the whole choir. Hahah, cool. While others audition-ing, dawn was literally kissing me which makes me run around. Cheryl & Stephanie was using my marker drawing on the board! Hmm! LOOK AT US! :D


Alison the good girl. :D


I swim with Joelle today. :) Lol, the water was making me shiver. Couldn't swim any longer, went up like after 30minute. It was just too cold!
Omg, i watched "just for laughs"! IT MADE ME LAUGH TILL I TEAR. ITS JUST SO FUNNY. Hahaha, i literally was lying on my cousin. Laugh till no strength. HAHAHAHA. Their reaction & everything is just so hilarious! Omg!
Talking to Kayxi in msn now. Lol, she typed wrongly & i purposely keep disturbing with it. Hahah, she wanted to say she smell the nicest. She type,"I smell the smelliest."

You wasnt silly last time, but now you are. Becos you chose her not me, & that makes you silly in everyone's eye. Becos she had totally, BRAINWASHED you yet you don't know & you find that its alright. & i am not gonna care abt it anymore. :)