10:02 PM Friday, November 30, 2007
Yesterday slept at 6+ , And today qing call me up !THANKS sia !
Then today i can go out . LOL . My mother the heart too soft ! Went to marina square then go ECP . But i told XQ that i feel like eating tung yuan. In english is ah balling . LAUGHS ! After that we head to Marina Square . But we stop at the bus stop there . Then we have to get througth to Marina Square .But that xq hohs lost the way ! Aiyo! So blur de lohs she ! She can;t be a tour guide next time . Bleahs :P Then we walk walk walk . Like keep going to the same place de lohs . (Wiredo) Then we have to cross the road . We all ver sacred lohs . Then that XQ shouted,"RUN!" And reach another side le we laughed .. Its like just two of us nia . WTH lahs . Then we sit down a while then we stand up move until near the rear there . But not until there yet lahs . We standing higher than the rear . So we want to get down so just jump down and we didn't even notice tat the thingy(Ps,i don't know how to descibe the thingy) so high . And both of us just AHHH~ And we laughed again . LOL . Then we saw the water so cool . And we saw 3 aunties walking arong there and touch the water . And we continue laughing again . LOL .
And we walk and saw a pig sign . Its the 12 animal sign. But i just taken pig,rooster and dog nia .

Ps,i think i lost the pig one. :X
Then we walk walk walk and find our way to Marina Square . Cross again . And now my turn to shout RUN ! LOLS . Then we have tocross but no car de . So we walk walk walk XQ suddenly say,"OI!" Then i walk past le i go back again i saw the moth i shouted,"AHHHH~"==" The moth so colourful but sacry . :X

Thats the moth . ^
Go Marina Square also a while nia lahs .. Go buy something .. The something maybe cannot say .. LOLS .
Go there also got purpose de lohs . I want to buy XQ's favourite toufu at action city .. But its quite ex and my parents say don't want . :X XQ,sorry for not buying you that ... Im really very SORRY! After that go ECP le lohs . Go there for what ? Play DDR ! Yipee . I don't know why i love DDR in a sudden .. xD
After DDR we go to the new arcade . The another arcade . Then we play basketball,DDR(again. Just ME),car and the baby car . xD . Then we going le saw one guy starting to play .And me and XQ have the feelung that his very good in parapara . So we stayed and see. LAUGHS . Didn;t know he end up dancing so damn funny lahs ! Shake the head,turn here and there . I want to laugh le lohs . After we leave as we had enough of laughing there . Then we godown the staris le we still continue laughing and we stop a while and see again and XQ corp him dance . And he say he like having cramps . And i laughed . I told XQ that he shake his head also. and blah blah . And we contunue laughing and finally,we STOP! After that we go to the beach . We went to the high high stone there . And XQ want to zilian . But behind the indian guy keep looking .
Wth lahs ! SEE SEE SEE later i dig your eyes out(copyright by XQ) . xD
All we take got HIM de lohs !

Xq take pic he also want to see lehs .. So kpo for what sia ?!
After that he finally left . So much nicer .. LOL .
Then i bo liao don't know for what go take the sea . xD

Quite nice rights . :X
Stay there for quite long le so we went to Mc to eat . Just me eat only lahs .. Then when i buy that time got 3 malay boys cut through me . And they bought fisrt . Then the counter ppl ask them what the want one by one and they say don't want they order le ! And then the counter women say ,"can you let that girl order?" Then they shouted at me and say this,"GO LAH!" To the 3 boys,"You all know what is WTF ? Know how to spell it ? Know how to write the word ? "
You all so kiam pa ! See le also want to faint . Dye your hair all gold gold gold ! Think you all really very rich arhs ? GOLD ?! Thats impossible that you would get gold . In your dreams can lahs ! ;D
Then when i sit down eat,beside the table the baby so cute .
When you look at her,she will kepp smiling to you one .
LOL . Take until the aunty . Extra sia her .
After that we left . Then we go out of ECP want go bus stop de . But i ask XQ lets sit inside the lobby there lahs .
So we sit there and take funny photo again . LOLS.
We take until damn funny lohs .

After this pic,i just nice want to put self-timer de . About to put,got one Indian guy come .
So he look look at me and then he comign nearer and when he coming,his smiling . Then i get veyr scared,i grab my hp,bag and everything .
And xq thought what happen and ask what happen
Agter that man saw xq,he ran away very suspiciously way . I damn sacred lohs .
After that we went to a place that got a lot people .
Anf we started to take pic again bit we're still sacred lahs .

And all in a sudden i just do this . ^ LOL .
After that,we saw a dog damn cute lohs . EEEEE ! So adorable . Already 5 year old le .
Then we walk to the bus stop .. But we walk around first . And we sit beside a mama shop as xq told me why she so sacred to go to the stairs recently . So she just say finish,got a group of malay people come .
I can see that they are talkign about us even though they say in malay lahs .
I want to say this to them,"If want to sa,say it out. Don't say in a language that i don't understand alright ?! Want to say,come lahs ! Like i very sacred lohs ! Yeah man i very
sacred ! PUI ! "
After that,we go bus stop le ..
We're still afraid that man would come ...
When im sitting,i always have a feeling that someone is behind me .
And me and xq keep saying about him .
And i have no idea why we saying what if that indian guy really come and do something to us ?
Nvm,i will kick his private part. I can shout as my voice is very sharp and loud .
I run .
Keep thinking about that thingy lahs .
So sacry lohs .
Wish i don't see him next time le lahs ... Make me so sacred . D;
After that we head back to home le lohs ..
Thats all for todya bahs ..
My hand,neck is tired. SIAN~
Thank you xq for making me so happy,forget about things that makes me sad and thank you for waking me up ! LOL . ;D
2:50 PM Thursday, November 29, 2007
Today,wake up go use com . USe le,play audi with,xq,irene and venus. All of them super pro ! But not me lahs .
Its like i damn pek cek with it . So i just left .
Nothing happen yet . Later post .
Want to see my hair?
P/S:I lazy to rotate
Followed then is my sister use the com . Tomorrow actually going out with qing to buy her favourite soft toy ! !
Cause of my ****ing sister go ask me tomorrow go out for what ?! KNOW WHAT IS WTH ?! My mother lehs go kiam pa say,''明天出去干吗" Go out sure go shopping one right ? Use your brian also know ! Continue what she say"出去不用跟我讲的?不用去不用去!" WTH ?! I don't tell you cause i always ask you you let me go one mehs ? I ask you this question first ? You let me go meh? No right ?! SO you shut your fucking hell mouth up ! I can just take it that i don't have you this mother alright?! BITCH?! You're just so
DAMN UNREASONABLE! Please ?! Go recall lahs ! Now you totally spoilt my MOOD ! Get away from me ! Im not gonna talk to you ! BITCH ?!
Thats all .
11:49 PM Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Yesterday night,never even sleep ! That XQ no good de ! Everyone no good de .. So fast want to orh le . I 6 something like a silly girl looking at the 4 walls . What can i think of ? Think of something which is bad for me ? Sigh .. But guys,i don't blame you . At least you guys still accompanied me . Happy to have you guys there . Then 9+ shower then go city with my sister and her friends . They wanted to do extension . So i decided to do also . As i've taken out already .. Then i do got 2 extension shop . My sister friends do at angelia shop .My sister do at the vain beauty . So i know a 16 year old girl lehs . She's damn funny,cute and quite pretty(for me). I get her number . :X Followed, I damn sian and emotiones lahs . This few days keep on like this i really very difficult . But what can i do ? Nvm. D:
I do red colour for extension . Those red that is damn striking . But the red like a bit hot pink those type lahs .
Then i saw my mummy's friend's son . So he come our house and played cards . We gambled abit. But no matter how fun adn interesting,im just still so emotiones .Even my mummy's friend's son asked me . And i like sian sian lahs .. I didn't mean to ruin their day lahs . But its just so difficult for me to be acting happy .. ):
Nv,go play o2 jam . Can't sleep at all ..
5:49 PM Tuesday, November 27, 2007
;D Today,12.30 sebast came my housie ! I asked him to accompany me to go school to give the option form .. We need to go computer lab to give it .. The one who helped me is mrs chen ! OMFG ! I miss her damn loads ! LOL~
Then i go le . About to go out of the canteen,adrian saw us and called us .. So we sat down to have some talkie . xP
I asked him why he at here . He said waiting for jared .. Then i ohhh ..
After some talk,jared and his bro came .. So we go also le lohs . But careless/forgetful me forget to take my earpiece .. So we went and take lohs ! Finally,we went out of school . Last time in this year to see the school again .
(SOB!) Then we go Katong buy things .. Then i saw a sweet so cool ..

After that go home le .. Then i play the ball while qing talk to me on the phone ..
She say my voice wired wired de .. I just seems to be very sad .. Don't know why .. Think i miss gian and also other things .. Then i told qing that i want to play blow ball ball ..
Then she say orh ... Never gimme ..
Then i say wait,i go blow and let it off ..

Qing ! Prove to you ! I really did let it off . xD
After that,play o2 jam with venus's brother ..
Then i go friendster i saw gian's comment ! He went into my friendster acc and write ! OMG !
You may go see .
http://profiles.friendster.com/user.phpAfter reading,i seem to miss him more ... ):
I become damn emo that whole period .. Till now,im still emo .. Sigh ..
4:18 PM Monday, November 26, 2007
Hehheh . Today went to do facial agains !! Monday whats ! Really no suffering le lehs .. Now,then i START to like facial .. Just only no pain le and can sleep there . Today almost sleep until fall down from the bed in facial place . What if i fall ? I can't imagine ! OMGOMG ! ==" My father,sister and me go . Everyone so sleepy ..But i wake up fisrt and i heard both of them snore . I so ps ! Then i shaked my sister and slowly no more .. My dad snore like this"(snoring effects)then pui~~~" My god,i ting le faster put in earpiece and continue listening to my songs . Then my mask is normal le and my father first time go is cold cold one and its hard so pull out the shape like his face one .

And i aslo took my a pic of my sister and the aunty daughter(the chio bu) . But i think she deleted away . But nvm,still got my sister one .

Ps,i lazy to rotate.
After that,we took pictures with her daughter ... Ps,she haven send me yet ..
And my sister last night eat until smelly egg.. Stupid one !
Ps,i bad mood .. Don't wanna say any more .. See if i posting again later ..
5:51 PM Sunday, November 25, 2007
Hey guys ! I've gotten my new number but i think maybe the money use finish le,chnage again as my mother say the last 4 number in one language is die die .. LOL ==" Believe in all this ..
But i still give you all first but (WARNING!:Those who don't know me,please don't take it and don't take le come play me !)
My number is:97166464
I just came back from city with my cousin to buy the card and chicken .. LOL .
Morning i went to my nephew house don't know for what ... Oh ! Cause of need to go orchard ..
But suddenly rain... So just go my house .. Might as well don't go her house. . ++"
My nephew asked me to help my baby cousin to tie hair .. Then i saying about not going to orchard .. Then she asked me,"那里是orchard?" Then i say,"Singapore lohs ." Then she said,"huh?got two singapore arh ?" I don't care then i just said,"yeahs lahs !"
Finally she shut her mouth up ! Okayes,later then continue posting ... I go play o2 jam with myy
DEAR DEAR venus :X
10:00 PM Saturday, November 24, 2007
I went and bought a new hp today ! Yay ! I bought w910i ! The latest phone .. So overjoyed ..
After that i go make hair .. Must take out extension so sad ! (Cry) But never minds . I go make again lohs ..
While making hair,i play with my new hp .. So fun .. The functions everything so damn hell
COOL! I love it very much ! Thanks daddy for buying such a cool hp for me ! I LOVE you ! <3>
1:23 PM Friday, November 23, 2007
Went to my nephew house and stay again yesterday ... Just have no idea why can't sleep no matter how dark it is .. I think is cause of my PSLE results .. I can't expect that to be so low .. I thought i could get 208 .. But i just get ... get ... Can i don't say it out ? It doesn't just make me happy or awake at all ... I feel so sorry for my parents for paying so much money for my tuition fees ... I tried my best to get as high as i could already ... But im not sure if i really work hard or i did not even work hard at all . I feel so low .. I forget my laughter already lohs ... What else can i do ? Tell the Ministry that they mark wrongly ? Wrong one also mark correct ? Thats quite impossible .. When i see everyone get prizes as they get 250 & above .. and they are so happy . Im happy for the school that we had beaten the score last year .. But whats the use of being happy when i get so damn low ?! Now i really have no idea where can i throw myself to .. No schools even WANT me ! But my parents didn't blame me and they sa next year work hard .. What can i do sia ?!
Nvm .. Don't make you all also sad .. LOL !
Went pp yesterday with my mum,nephew,sister and baby cousin .
We went shopping and go eat Pastamiania(Ps,don't know how to spell) ? Then went shopping . Buy clothes . Went out of pp then walk the out side streets those place that sell clothes,hp and cd . My nephew finding solour pensil for my baby cousin . Find tio le i saw those blow invisible ball de. I LOVE that since im young . And its cheap . $1 nia . So i bought 2 packet .
Then my sis and baby cousin want to enter the fish shop . The fish shop the owner is once my godfather . But he said me and him getting further and i didn't went and look for him . So he asked me not to call him godfather le . Take it as i never treat him as my godfather . That period of time,he teached me alot of things . Teach me how to be a human and good things . I went there i feel a little shame to see him again .But didn't expect that i didn't see him . As i told my sister and we just enter the counter there not the whole shop . I feel like seeing him .. After leaving the shop,i feel very down . I kept turning back and see the shop .
After that,we went into a pet shop . I saw a very small hamster near the counter there . I think its so damn hell cute ! Want to see ? xD
To my dear Venus ... Next time,i will buy one for YOU even though you have many ! xD
Then eat dessert . Eat le,my baby cousin saw those turning egg .. She want . Turn le,is the magnet ..
Follow then,go popular .. I holding the magnet ... The magnet can play one .. But need two . In side just one only . So i decided go buy another one ..
but turn out to be a different items . Its a box . While walking up the stairs,i can't even open. Open open open(processing) . Open le ! YAY ! But i kena shocked . Its a fake ladybird .. I find it interesting so i went to let my sister see . But baby cousin curious want to know what it is then she saw she thougth is real one and she shouted . So till now,i still lied to her that its REAL ! xD Bad right ? Nah .. I don't think so..

Very real mehs ?! Then i think this one is interesting and i went and turn again . Turn le,a differnt item again . Came out to be a yoyo ! =="
Then i just throw it to my baby cousin . Hehheh
After popular is alreayd 8+ . My nephew very tired le as she got baby . So we went home le lohs .
At home my nephew shower and she vomitted again . After that she orh orh le .
Me and my baby cousin play the ball,watch tv,colour and i played her game AGAIN ....
Then sleep le ..
Today, morning went and eat chicken rice ..
The chicken rice very nice lehs ! Wish to eat again . xP
Hehheh . ;D Went my house and we played the ball again ... 
Then my father ask me choose school and he like bu nai fan ! I felt so damn pek cek also .. And also felt sad and ma fan .. i get high score don't have to chose school so hard whats .. Sigh.. Nvm .. Whats over is over .. What can I do ?! ):
Venus !! Faster online chat and play o2jam with ME !!! ):
6:33 PM Wednesday, November 21, 2007
OMG ! I want to go my nephew there stay forever le lahs ! So nice ! Plus my baby cousin there .
More nice ! But i end up playing my cousin's game .. A 4 year old game ...
I can't believe i snatch with my cousin just over a game ... While we playing,my nephew mop the floor and do this do that as they just came back from kedah(malaysia). She have a baby in her stomach ... But she keep on vomiting .. Yipee ! I will have a baby to take care of again ! :D Nvm, I play play play,the battery low ..

But nvm,just nice its time for me and my cousin to shower together .. Shalalalala . ==" LOL .
While me and my cousin showering,my nephew vomited again ... My baby cousin laughed and say this,"Hehheh,she vomited . (Vomit sound effect . ) "
I was laughing ... So CUTE !!! xD
ome out le,me and my nephew a little hungry but don't know eat what ..
Then i remembered i brought choacolate my favourite food to eat . :X
Eat le,a little full le but also don't eat so mch le lahs .
Time for sleeping time ! xD
My nephew haven sleep on tv but off light le ..
Off le light,damn hell dark ! So NICE ! I love dark dark ...
Sleep until so nice ... Already 7+ i thought still 2 3 am ..
Wake up at 7 as my nephew keep going toilet as the baby shhh shhh too much ..
LOL . She go toilet once i wake up once .
But nvm lahs . I still sleep very well . xD
Hehhehx .. After that go city plaza as my nephew come back and she know everyone there(same as my family too) .
Haha . She go there buy for herself as she have a big stomach now .. xD
Finally shop finish le ! Go home de shi huo,my nephew walk walk walk sudden;y sit on the road floor ..
I kena shocked lohs . She said tired .. I understand ...
xD Thats for my day ..
Dada . ~
3:09 PM Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Wah ! Today i wake up at ... Ehh .. 09.29 am .
Wake up,go use com .
But before that,i went and shower first(obvious).
As you guys know,my nails broken,then very pain can't cut .
So i wash my hair wash wash wash,my extension stuck inside the nails .
Unable to take it out lorhs !
So i rush out and need to cover with towel ..
But then one hand up in the air one still can move then i tried to cover with towel but still cannot .
But then i tried ... Finally,cover finish le .
I rushed out of the toilet and shouted,"Tita ! Tita ! (Auntie in Philipines)"
Then she answered back,"WHAT?" I asked her to help me remove it out but still can't as its very PAIN. So my tita cut my extension .
I go in toilet see the mirror the extension become so short.. Eeeee !
Followed i see my nails .
The hair stuck there can't come out . The hair still so long lehs .
Do everything in toilet also very hard lorhs . ==''
Come out of toilet see if anyone out there faster go take nail clipper .
FASTer fun back to room ..
I slowly pull out (OUCHIE OUCHIE)
So damn hell pain !
Finally,everything come out . ;D
After that come out use com .
Go find blogskin and blah blah .
And i asked Venus to make also !
She keep saying next time but i force her ..
But also not focre larhs .
Just say im her monster everyday must post and will see her blog if got any post .
Finally,she did what i said .. Yipee . LOL .
But ask her do also must help her do everything .
Think of the blog url .
Find blogskin .
Sign up for cbox .
But nvm larh .
She my darling .. (:
Her tittle for blog is Venus love Jaime lehs . ;)
So goody ! xD
Anyone wanna link my darling friend ? But i help her apologise if she didn't post everyday(as she's lazy !) . LOL .
Thats Venus url : http://theblahblah-life.blogspot.com/ .. (I help her think one lehs ! xD
Hehheh .. Later add on what i want to say .. To-dos .
Kayes.. My cousin come and my house very noisy lorhs !
Anyways,im going to stay over at my nephew place ..
Yipee .gtg . byes ~
7:58 PM Monday, November 19, 2007
Hehheh . Today go facial again . So pain !!
But the auntie say better le,next week normal facial le .
No more pressing . Yipee .
Happy sia . No more suffering of PAIN,PAIN,PAIN
(: Done le,still have to buy food for family . So heavy lorhs !
While walking,i smsing . Sms sms a car suddenly horn .
I shocked . Why the driver must be so hurry ! Yan kan zhe qu tao tai arh ?
Can't he/her wait for me to walk ? Also know there the road not nice to walk . Need to up and down ! My house also surrounded by new houses building .
Stupid driver lorhs !
Go back home so noisy . WTH . =="
Sigh! Just had a tiff with my darling .
Just wanted ask him to change to his old self also cannot .
Now i asked him if he still love me,he never reply.
Why all boys started to woo a girl,they are sweet and say they will be good to us and love us forever .
But long le,bored of this girl le .
Needa new one to make me not bored.
How to dump the girl away lehs ?
And end up,the girls are like an stupid person for being so ci qing duo qing .
Sigh . What should i do ? OMG ! He reply le . I don't dare to open the message .(Heart popping)
Kayes,he siad this,"Yes . Got problem ?"
What should i reply ! I want to die le larhs .
If anyone of you have any idea,share with JAIME ! ~~~
Labels: JAIME
12:43 AM
Finally its time for me to post ! Its like my mother keep on clinging to the com larhs ! WTH larh ! Hate it !
Nvm,lets leave it aside .
Let me talk about yeaterday going to ECP with teachers and friends .
XQ come my house and we went there together . I was choosing my clothers, wondering what to wear .
So hurrying ! LOL .
We went there by bus . We was walking slowly and we both have the same feeling that bus 16 is coming . So just nice a bus came . But bus 16 no double decker de . So we know its not the bus we want .
Then i saw a bus which is not double decker then i run . XQ thought it is and she followed running ! HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH .And she see see see and siad,"Bu shi larh!"Then she laugh until stomach pain and we delayed the time .
And bus 16 came ! We were running damn fast . Finally,we can have a rest . But when we sit,we sit at the same place as last time and we reach the bus,we will laugh . LOL .
Reach le,then i find out the boys are waiting for 2 girls ! 可是那个是天金第一的吗!哈哈!
They went to the renting shops of bicycles . And the boys are renting the bicycles and me and XQ don't want to cycle so we just look at them . Mr koh asked us to rent larhs . But we say,nvm,we walk .Exercise . Then he said,"I thought you all bounce.." =="
So they cycle theirs and we girls talk ours .
We went to the beach and our slippers are full of sands . xD
But if don't make tio sand,do there still called as beach ?
We went up to the stone(high) and have a little tan and air . We chatted and decided to take photos . But the sun is just shining on top of US ! We could hardly open our eyes and take photo . And we said,"Forget it ! "Then i took out my specs and relax my eyes . And all in a sudden,i asked XQ,''你还可以吗?" XQ was like,"可以, HUH?!"
HAHA .Don't know what happen to me that time .Just have a feeling that makes me down . But nvm . I will still be happy . (: A smile for you guys . xD Then we saw Mr Koh and he introduce his new friend . He said,"Ok,this is my new friend(Forgetten the name)." And i was like,"HUH?! FAN ?" And he said,"FRIEND!" And i ohhhh . And he told his friend im maughty ! EEEEE ...
After that,we went to play DDR . So fun ! ;D
AFter,we left ECP and head for city plaza .
XQ sister said she would be late and we can man man lai .
So okay lorhs .
We spent our time pkaying with the dog in mei lan jie jie shop . Dog name is whiski .
i asked mei lan to make the dog howl and she did .
So cute !
After a while,XQ sister come le . And we left the shop .
I did hair extension again ! Its pink .
I quite happy with it larh .
Better than the previous ones . LOL .
And i don't know why my back suddenly so pain sia . Old le i think .(As what the mean Mr Koh,XQ say! ): )
Kayes,i think thats for yesterday .
Today,didn't do much .
Just went out and eat .
My uncle drive us there . While heading to the food place(Ps,don't know where is it),we was chatting . And i tell my uncle,"Uncle Vincent,i heard from my sister that you sex with 100 women ." And he laughed . That time i think when he say,his drunk . xD
We reached and we sit down and eat . About to eat finish our food,my uncle said ,"Aiyo,bird pee(wiping his face)" And i told my uncle that bird shit drop on my shoulder before and he laughed . My sister cut throught and said,"Sharmane(sis friend)more worse ! Her's drop into the mouth . In china,shhe saw a bird and siad"Ni kan,zhe ke bird na mo nan kan!" And followed on,the shit dropped into the mouth . Everyone was laughing . My sister said that time no one helped her clean . Even teacher see le also keep on laughing .But a kind girlmy sister friend helped . SO good right?!
Followed up my sister siad,"Last time my uncle said,he press press the girls breast then know is real or fake one le. LOL . =="
Today dinner eat quite alot as my cousin won 10000 .
Thats for today . (Yawn) Very sleepy,wanna sleep le . To-dos .
3:20 PM Thursday, November 15, 2007
Sigh . Yesterday is my unlucky day ! Firstly,go school by bus as it was raining heavily . Sit le,didn't know my hp lost ! Walao ! 3rd time lost hp le lorhs ! Now i don't even dare to tell my parents . ):Then i cried in the hall for a while and stop crying .
After that,Mr koh brought us to the AVA room to watch movie again . After that,it was mother tongue . I don't feel like going to MT so i stayed at class .
But didn't expect Mr Koh came in class . But then he didn't ask me and XQ to go back to MT class . So he was saying that saturday go ECP set arh . Cause everyone is going . I mean not everyone . Just some only . Then on that day have to go out with XQ to extend the hair again. So i was thinking lorhs . Follow then,i laugh like hell don't know for what lorhs ! LOL . Kayes,after recess no teacher was in our class as they was busy for the prize giving day(i think?) The i wanted to throw the chair then didn't know its slipped and my nails broke . (: (COOL) Quite pain larhs . Thats the day for ME ! So unlucky ! Kayes,say about today . Today intending to go school ! But i OEVERSLEPT ! Eeee ! I was so troubled by this two things !
First,hp lost parents didn't know . Second,i didn't go school today as its the last day and Mr Seelan leaving ! :'(
Why so many things which is bad happen to ME this year . Even have PSLE,hand injured .
WTF larhs ! ):
I hate the him/her to stole my hp ! Why this world so many bad people ?! Can't they be good ?! He/her taken my hp i can comfirm you will have revenge alright ?! Do you think you would have a better life with a hp/have a better hp ! i think ? NAH ! You wouldn't ! You're so greedy ! Want save $$$$$ buy larhs ! FUCK OFF larhs you ! I hate YOU YOU YOU ! Get this into your fucking idiot mind !
Nvm .. Don't like to make my blog like all those bad words cause of those ****ing people ! Since today is the last day of school and i didn't go to school i think am gonna write about my whole class people . Start from register number larhs .
Yash-Irritating but funny sometimes . Smart at some subjects like Maths,English ? Sometimes im down,his irritating talking can mak me laugh sometimes . (:
Xiao Qing- My best sister i ever have ! Sometimes she may be bad,but i always LOVE her . Don't bear to leave her ! ): She's my cute little panda always ! ;D <3
Janan-His cute and adorable . I adore him as my BROTHER ... (: I want to thank him for his love and sorry that i can't accept YOU . xD
Darren-His irritating ! But sometimes his kind .. Always bully me . Every year will kena sit with him one . Always use book and pencil case to beat ME .
Dessy- Another one who always kana bullied by darren too . She's kind and cheerful . She's my goody friend when my dear xq dump me .. <3
Dong lin-Don't know him so much .. But sometimes i would have a tiff with him . xD
Francis-The BIG BIG joker in our class . But sometimes his too much ! Bully ME and do things i don't like ! But he may be good sometimes to me . :X
Gian-My dearest darling ! :X He may not be brave to do things like guys do,but i know he loves mE . HEHE . But i think me and him is kinda driting apart le but i still love him . Maybe i'll try to talk to him . <3
Tzu Pin-I hate her ! Sorry to say that larhs ! Cause you're like flirting with guys lorh ! One of them is Gian !! Cause of you,me and him gone a little bad in our relationship okayes ?! HAte to talk about YOU ! Skip !
Jerry-My Kor kor ! :D Care about me loads . When Gian treat me not good,he help me lecture him ! Good brother . (: Help me and Gian to be closer to each other . Thanks for your everythng kor ! <3>Jeffery-Guy who is soft-spoken . Want to laugh like can't laugh out . See until him,both of us will be laughing like hell ! HAha !
Cher Jan-Don't really know her well .But she treat me good even thought i know he dislike me ... I think ?
Kin seh-Good to everyone . Clever in everything except Chinese .
Nai Yao-Dig nose guy . Don't know him well larh . So don't wanna talk much about him .
Jian liang-Eeeee ! Smells smelly aways . Behave like P1 kid . Can't talk back le he would like this,"BLah Blah Blah Blah ." Train my talking back to people Is him .. Thats why im good in talking back . :X
Yun chieh-Love her loads . More than XQ ? No idea . Same same barhs . She accompany me whenever am bored . Be with 24h beside me when i need her . I miss HER !! <3>Bao tin-The BIG gay in my class . Talks like Donald Duck . HAHA
Mahadika-Don't really talk to him . See until him,we may start a fight .
Martin-Blur . Sleeps in class . Being bullied always . But clever in Chinese .
Deferdauz-Really very cute and always laugh too . His kind to everyone . His just damn CUTE ! (:
Aqil-Funny when teachers ask him to explain the Question . xD
Mujahid-Don't know him that well ?
Gabriel-Acts cool and dao people ... But his kind to JAIME ! xP
Shadi-Fight with him always . Likes to talk Malay to me when we fight . Him adn deferdauz share the same lover ... :X
Sonali-The smartest girl in our class .Very good adn harworking gril . But she do acts in front of teacher . Shhhh ..
Ahmad-Cute and strive to get good results for Maths . May be bad sometimes .
Zeeshan-Likes teasing me ! And likes to play talking back games which makes me feel good ! Anyway,I hate him . lOl
Urvashi-Cheater . And treat others bad when she and her knows each other well already . Bad to have this kind of friends .
Vanessa-Bossy even poor . In chalet,she expect people to help her do everything . Call people wake up to accompany her throw things . But she's neat,hardworking and ncer to all girls and some boys . Acceptable . ;D
Vrinda-Likes going toilet very much . Absent always . She and Urvashi are close friends =="
Weixing-May be irritating MOST OF THE TIME . But she have difficulties walking .. And i feel bad to treat her bad sometimes . Sorry !
Xi hao-Watermelon head and see how guy . Nice teaseing name . (: Kidding ! Goood to some of the people only ...
Thats all i think in my class . Must have 35 people .. Hand tired sia . Still worrying about HP after a long typing ... ): Thats it . DADA .
10:01 AM Monday, November 12, 2007
HEYHEYHEY ! Hehe . Didn't post for .. 4 days le horhs . Busy marhs .
Recall back ... Yesterday ..
I went to Jurong East just to ice skate only larh . And i called friends to go with me,they don't want .
2 reasons for not going: Too far .
: I don't know how to skate .
For the first one i still got nothing to say leh .
But second de is really damn ****ing stupid excuses .
Don't know learn larh . Like when you're small,how you walk? How you write ? How you do everything till now ? Cause YOU learn right ?! You guys who say this reasons to ME !
You go ****ing DIE please ! With you guys here,my life would be shorten ! GO DIE ! GO DIE ! GO DIE ! You die i happy ! Everyone would be happy too (I think)
Nvm,don't like to talk to those ****ing idiots . I would get older de norh !
At last i went with one boy,sebastian ! But still got my sister's friends . So we're not the only girl and boy there . (: (Goodie)
We went there by train . And when we sit,we saw our reflection on the window/screen larh .
Our face was like being disordered . Also not that disordered in the photo we taken .
Heading to Jurong East .
When we(My sis,astrid and me) had already reach there,we must wait for my sister's friend and MY friend too .
Then my sister get a call from leon . He talk to my sister like this,"HELLOHELLO! Where are tu ? We're reachinh there at bia min ." My sister was like,HAHAHAHAH !
Then my sis friend come le but not mine .
Then i called him and he said his reaching ..Waited hm for 10 min . And by the time is 2.30 .
Then when we are waiting to be our turn to get the tickets,Astrid keep asking how to modified her PSP as she just bought it on that day . Then while she's saying we saw a chart there writing this,"SUNDAY RING WILL BE CLOSE AT 3.30." We was like,"HUH?!" All of us look at sebastian and zhengyuan(sis friend) and we give those eyes . They said,"What ME? What ME?" My sister keep complainging she come here just to skate . Then Leon siad,"Wah ! I wear like this and even bring glove also to skate but at last no skating . "
So we thought of not skating . But go watch movie at Vivo . Then OK lorh . Cause no point skating for 1h marhs ! Waste money . Not worth . Then leon thought of driving .. And we said where . He said,"I don't know ! " Then sebast siad,"How about prawning ?"
Leon said,"I use my jacket to take the prawn is it ?" The sebast said,"Yes! "
Then i was laughing like hell ! And everyone said,"I don't know you I don't know you . "
Then while waiting sebast to buy the card for entering the entrance .
So they was talking .
And there's a ... those like cage. And i was holding the metal and my head was at the hole but can't go through it . And when i heard leon saying,"BOTAK." I luagh again .And all of them look at me and laugh too . Leon said,''you like suffer until you laugh ..." HAHA .
Reach le Vivo we buy ticket . The show i never go remember the tittle larhs .
HEHE . xD The show was quite funny and nice too larh .
AFTER that,we went to eat and go home . Thats it for yesterday . For the past few days don't remember le . Psps . ;D
YAY ! Later going to facial and extend hair . Hehe . Facial tme got the cold hard mask so nice. I can SLEEP ! But its pain when they make the pimples to come out .Wish there wouldn't be as much blood as last week . xD But my face now .. Better le 很多。哈哈。
Extending hair still don't know what colour .LOL . (:
Later come back then write larhs . (I think) (:
2:17 PM Thursday, November 8, 2007
(Yawn) Im so tired today . Wake up at 8+ . Do what ? Cause have that fucking fire drill at my apartment ! Then need to wake up at early . Then my mother like crazy women shout ask people to wake up ! At last she didn't go . ==" I go and take a look with my neigbours . Its so damn bored . But luckily,we manage to escape ! xD
My head is still SOOOOO pain ! Sleep le still pain . I can't eat medicine . I will PUKE! What can i do ??
Nvm.. I still need a rest . Later continue posting if anything happens . (:
7:17 PM Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Today,i pon school again . =="
And i went to East Coast Park ! I played with XQ DDR .. And i just know its SOOOOOOOOOO fun . After arcade,we went to the seaside and to play water. And i was kinda dizzy. And we went to Mc and my head is damn pain . Don't know why lorhs .
Pain till want to cry le . Then tiing and qing was playing cockroaches(FAKE!). They throw here throw there to a guy(not sure can say out not). Then tiing throw till fly until a baby there . Then when she take we was like laughing . But i didn't laugh much .. (Head pain!)
I decide to go back to arcade to play DDR . Cause i want to sweat . LOL . Then play finish le,we go 7-11 as tiing said she want to buy something . Then i buy le,i see until a teacher from our school(TKPS) ! I was like shocked and sacred . So i ran until the back . Then she came and ask why we here,whats our class,whats our name . She said this,"Am going to tell your teachers . Better get ready ! "After PSLE le whats . All levels exam finish le marhs . Go out also got problem arh ? Got is it ?! WTH ! We go out,she care ?! KPO !
Make till our mood change lorh . SHE jinx ! Now tiing and michelle sad and sacred . I pity them larhs . I not sacred cause my teacher is GOOD .(: I take him as friend. xD
Kayes my head is so damn fucking pain ! Needa rest(i think?) . Lastly,i want to wish tiing and michelle safe on Friday . No scolding . (:
And.... Tinng and Michelle,cheer up ! xP
And ... Wait ... Me and Tinng okay le . So good! (Siao!)
Byes. ~
12:26 PM Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Heheh.. Never post yesterday .. (TORI!)
Today in class,Mr koh thought we have to go to the hall . So still got 15min,he talk about sometimes when people say you you didn't express out and so on . Long story,not gonna talk bout it . So one of my friend,ahmad said,"Mr koh,10 already !" Then Mr koh haven talk finish so he said let me finish first. Finish le then i shouted,"Okay,Lets go . " Then XQ was like laughing ?
So go le Mr koh found out from other class teachers say that don't have to go hall so we went back . So go back le,Mr Koh want us to talk about ous NAME .. Why our parents call us this name blah blah . So Mr koh called me,and i kept laughing . Then i told him over 1 min le ! Then he siad,45sec laugh 15 sec talk only ." Then i walk around not to let Mr koh ask me to talk. LOL .
Oh and one more thing, Mr Koh want us to tear paper for Science test paper just because cannot let other people see our Science paper.
Our classroom was in a total mess . HAHA ! Paper classroom .The boys lorhs,make till so messy Mr koh ASK the GIRLS to pick up also ! WTF larhs !
Liang yu extra sia .People take photo he there and look at his where ? xD

Talk about yesterday ..
I feel like going to eat Mc . So i asked Qing to accompany so she agree .
Mich called me and ask me where me, so we said at mc and she said she want to go too .
After eating,we want to go home le . Just nice,Qing saw his BF so i do the same thing rush immediatel not to let Qing sit with him .So sit le,we saw QING"S BF PEEEE !! Eeee .
So big le still pee very pei seh horhs ? xD
I went to city plaza to go for facial and make my hair . xD
The auntie help me press dao ALOT of blood come out lehs ! 痛死了 ! My tears almost drop . =="
The daughter of the auntie 美死了 !Am totally attracted to her sia !
Lol . Anyway,i went and made my hair curl . Those curl is wavy one not like those auntie so curl . Its not permanent larhs .Wash then no more le . :X
Quite nice larhs . xD
Kayes,got to go !
My mother want me and my sis to do all the housework but not HER ! WTF ?!
Just only,my maid hand is injured or whatever . WTH !
Continue(Night time)
Kaijun had an misunderstanding towards me . She thought is i spam her blog when the fact is that my sister is the one who did that alright ? Sorry to be a bitch to you larh ! Sorry lorh. I really regret to take you as my friend . Just cause of this matter,i cry like hell ! I don't need anyone of your pity . I will still take you as my friend(NORMAL!) This time i see you,you wouldn't be smiling or whatever .. You will just hear my voice saying,"Hie." :D
And i will walk off . (:
Cause i will be uneasy to be with you girl .
Sorryyy . (:
Thats it .
9:02 PM Sunday, November 4, 2007
HEY ! Sorry for not posting yeaterday as i was too busy . I mean as in .. Nvm . (:
Anyway,let me talk about today.. I went out with Xiao qing and Sandra . But Sandra moody moody de lorhs . I and Xiao Qing ask her,she say she tired . But not sure if is true not . Sigh .. But at least i tried my BEST to make her smile/laugh . We went to bugis then go east coast .
Bugis didn't do anything much . Just go to arcade then went to have neoprint .
I went there and see a soft toy(PIG!) I love it !

I want it but unable to get it ! So sad ! Want to save the pig out actually . As some of you know that JAIME love PIG ! Right ? Haha !
As for the neoprint..Unable to show you here . But i think you all also not interested rights ?
Haha !
After bugis,is east caost.
Went east coast to play DDR . I played for one round only cause i not that good in that . Psps.
Anyway,today wake up early so now tired .GTG . Byes .Love you guys . ;)
6:30 PM Friday, November 2, 2007
Today in school my form teacher,Mr Koh,bring us to the computer lab.
So we were noisy,Mr Koh said,"Shhhh. Keep quite." Then deferdauz and his friends shouted,"ya larhs!Shadi larhs!"
Mr koh thought it was real and said back,"Shadi!" But actually,Shadi was ABSENT!
The whole class ended up laughing making the noise level increase. What a joke!
Kayes,for some of you not funny larhs.(Sorry larhs!)
We went to computer lab to watch movie AGAIN!
But at least its funny and nice larhs. And its a lame movie,Mr bean holiday. =="
Haha. Tomorrow have to help out for P1 orientation. What to do there? Any idea? NOooo.
After school,XQ didn't go school whast so she ask me want go ECP then i say ok lorhs .
As you know .. she go there just do what ? DDR .. =="
After DDR,we get out of arcade and saw XQ's stead . I rush and sit there immediately so xq cannot sit with him . So we decided to kiss XQ's stead.

And people was looking at US . But who cares ? We want to kiss Mc Donald !! :X (QING,don't angry ! )
Anyway,thats for today .. Tired ...
6:57 PM Thursday, November 1, 2007
Nothing wrong today rights? Nothing happen which is funny or what rights?
Erm.Let me think first.. Mmmmm(Thinking)
Ohh. This not that nice larhs.
Today in school we watching movie(BORING MOVIE!),so i decided to sms someone. So i think think think think think until to sms Venus as yesterday i told her i was busy and then never sms her already as i fell asleep. As she was sitting beside XQ and i was sitting with XQ but then she changed and sit in front. So she get my message and take a look. She saw it was from me and i was giggling. Her reaction was like this,"HAH! HAH!"
So cutee! And she keep on looking at me and XQ and keep laughing. Frankly speaking,she was cute and her voice is so damn sweet! :X
Follow then i sms her again. Any idea what i sent her?
Jaime send to Venus
I love you you love me.
We are happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
We are one big family.
Thats what is send to her. I know its kinda LAME. Haha.
Today,XQ and michelle went to my house we've taken some picture.
Want to see?

XQ,you extra sia!

I think thats it for today. ;D