
Spamming people's blogs, facebook or whatever is a totally childish way to speak out how you think & a childish way to say what you wanna get across. & spamming is a method that i use in don't know what century. Therefore, let me get this straight to you. I did not write anything in your blog. Becos i'm not childish. & secondly, i have my own blog that i can just write anything about you or whoever, why do i still take the
time to type the website. It's your choice if you wanna belive what i say, i've said my piece, the rest its up to you.
I don't need your pressence now, i need your love, care, attention, hug. If having you by my side, but not having your heart with me, then why do i still keep you by my side?
Whatever alright.

Today i shopped. Yes, shopped. SHOPPED. :D So happy. Woke up at like 10plus just to study before going out. :) Amanda came my house before meeting the rest of them. We somehow rubbished. Haha. Before meeting the rest, we went to PizzaHut to take a grab! :) Ate cheesyshrooms. Oh yay, missed that! Forgot to mention, my sister went with me too. Yeah. :) 2plus went to Paya Lebar MRT to train down to Aljunied. & the place where we wanna shop was near Paya Lebar.
Thanks man Tifflin Tan Ting Ting. Make us waste a trip only loh. Reached the destination, wow. A lot of people eh. Need to qeeue too. The weather is so hot! Kept sweating, oh gosh. Took pictures. :)

Over-shot the time! 4.19 i was still shopping when my tuition is at 4.15! Omg, i cabbed down. Poor Kayxi was standing outside waiting for me! Hahah, but she was looking at the results of other people. Whatt.. HAHAH. Went toilet, haha, told her that i covered my nose while peeing! & she told me about the incident she covered her nose too. Started laughing, haha! Tuition, cannot really concentrate. Was distracted by shopping. So Kayxi, Noreen, & two other sec 1 girl started laughing & talking about random stuffs. Lol. Shall not talk much about tuition though there's quite a lot to talk about, lazy to blog for now. :X
Rushed to City Plaza, continued shopping! Bought a damn cute half-dress! OMG, I LOVE IT. :) SO GONNA WEAR IT. HAHAHA. Rushed home for dinner. Why is my life rushing instead of enjoying every moment! AISH. :(
I'm trying out clothes i buy today, yay-ism. :) Tmrw there's tuition again, oh my gosh. Shall pay attention.
Saying out what i've been saying, really feels so much better. At least, i clarify with you. However, deep inside, there's so much things i still wanna say, & i have the courage to. I'm just afraid its the wrong move again.
Ha.Geraldine! NICE TWEETS. :D
"Walao. Nowadays 13yr olds r true Lians alr! Speak like one, dress like one, blog like one, look like one, is one. Tsk tsk. Worse than my batch leh hehehehe. It's okay. Not my juniors can alr. Ew" BOOK ALL OF THEM MAN GERALDINE. GO!!!!!!! :D