1:08 PM Sunday, July 6, 2008


Daddy, ILY! I know when you say us is for our own good & i'll try to listen. I know this few days especially yesterday upsets/freak you.
Dont worry about me first daddy. Cause your daughter is able to cope with what she's having now. Go overseas with mummy happily.
& dont worry about me. Daddy mummy, i'll just give you a smile & laughter today. Haha:D
But why must you leave when its your birthday?! ): But still, daddy wish you can be happy everytime. Stop stressig youself.
& why dont you bring me there?! I dont want to go school! D:
UOB gave daddy a cake. But i haven open so i never take the photo of it. Maybe night time. xD
I just take the simple card they wrote lah.

At around at 6, we cut the cake. Cause sister going tuition & daddy mummy leaving. ): So, yah lah.
I think the cake is damn tempting. Look at my sister. How excited she is.
Guys, i promised i will smile today right?! See, i did smile. :)
So, i did what you all want. Which is smile. But its only today hoh! :X
Thats all lah.

I dont want mummy & daddy to go oversea. I'll be alone at home. ): Sister gonna go tuition like almost everyday at the night & afternoons.
So, jaime just gonna be at home staring at the surrounding with 4 walls. Nvm, i think i can go swimming to make myself feel better.
Kay, my heart feel damn sour now. When this matter happen, my stomach just gets damn pain. Not going to toilet. -cross-
Menses. -cross-
Nvmnvm. I gonna be loner for around 5 days! ): SIGH!
Thank you Azida! Ahhma love you too lah! ><
I'll try i'll try. Kay?

Continued on 9.40
Im so bored now! My parent left & sister went for tuition & be back around 10. Im so lonely listening to song which made me cry when i hear.
SIGHHH! & im carry my piggy while using the computer talking to my sister's friend terence.
& my back hurts.

Give me time. Its just left with 1week and 6 days! I really need some time too. You just wouldn't know why i want lah.
Its just my own problem now. Just dont bother about me first. Yah...
Stop saying "sorry". Thats wouldn't affect me or whatever. Just, give me time & everything gonna be okay i think..?
Life gonna be miserable this week.

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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