10:51 PM Thursday, June 19, 2008
Anw, today went to the Marine Parade Library with Tifflin & QinHui. :D Kay, im the one who woke up the latest. Tifflin still have to call me wake up non-stop. :X Sorry! But then i reach there earlier than them leh. xD While waiting outside, saw Natalie & her friends. She wanted to find Jolene Seah cause supposely they should do project but then last mintue Natalie have badminton. So, yeah. Finally saw QinHui&Tifflin liao. QinHui cut her fringe. Nice loh(:
Went there did nothing. Even we did use our brain for like a few mintues, but everything came out just can't work out like how we expect. D: But then, i just can't resist the smell of the food. Cause i've not eaten since like... the time i slept which is 5a.m? Hahah :D Then Tifflin guai guai do english project. Me & Qinhui stare at each other. I saw 1/5 people doing also. They copy a board game call," The Game Of Life". I have that too. But lets dont be copycats even some people will be like theirs?
I read newpaper at there & called Amanda to say her. & i mean
say. Not scold. :D Cause you know English project? Just Tifflin, Qinhui, Sandra & me is using our brain. But not Amanda
& XingWen. I dont mean to say that lah. But its kinda unfair to us who had done more than you all. Then the points we get you guys get it too. Isn't it unfair? D;
After that, went see niece, Joelle. :D So cute lah she! But she keep sleeping. Cause she same like me, yesterday 5 then sleep. xD Then about to go home, she cried terribly. So i stayed a while more see what happen. So sad loh when she cry. ):

Hahah, i love daddy. I love mummy. xD
Andandand, i need to say goodbye to my nails. D: Cause school gonna reopen. They definitely will check our nails, uniform, hair & etc. So, yeah. Bye nails... D:

Thats all. Nice blogging.