11:48 PM Saturday, June 21, 2008
I have no idea why im not blogging this few days. Maybe chiong-ing for lit essay? I haven read chinese cinderella! D:
So how? Tomorrow gonna read as fast as i can & get it done. :D Let me say about pass few days that i didn't post about it.
20th June
Went facial with Tifflin. ;D Tiffy cut her hair. While waiting, i teach a boy name Jim. Facial auntie's son. :D
Was fun lah. Hahah. Took pic of whiski! :D
Tifflin cut hair.
Went home & sleep cause was damn dizzy for the whole day. :D
Niece came.
Night, played with something but dont know what it is called.
First was like this. :
Then look at it. I made into some sort of a bear? xD
Butt so pop out. :X
Take photo with my teddy bear. :D
burst it become this :
Haha. :D
21 June
Woke up at 10. Watch tv & daddy bought food for ME! :D After that i done homeworks. But not much. Just english artcicle. :D
Then went for tuition. HAd fun with Monkey mummy. :D YAY~
Thats all. :D