11:26 AM Saturday, July 5, 2008
Thank you people for all your care! Im so lovin you guys now lah. Hahah, i bet i will be okay in another few more years.
But there's one more thing for me to fulfil. Its a private thingy so i cannot say. Anyway, today i woke up at 8plus!
Suprisingly leh! No lah, cause Tifflin darling called me if want go ECP eat breakfast! .____."
I was like,"Hah? Call me ask me this uh?"
Hahah, im thinking i should go to Sandra's house to finish up our acting. So, yah. Thinking should ask mummy not. Cause jaime kinda little lazy.
But we are the first group to act leh!
So its like wthell lah. Hahahaha.
Kay lah, thats it lah. Maybe i'll ask lah. Hahaha, im bored & irritated now.
Okay, i think what i say on top will never be okayy. Cause of some reasons. Never never will happen again.
Means, no more old jaime. No more seeing jaime smile. You all get what i mean by that sentence?
I really can't face the world & things im having now. My parents found out im like this. & they dont allow me to go out. :'(
My mother just scolded me & i started crying quietly & slowly it bacame louder & louder. Why would this happen to me? I dont want them to know! But now they found out, what im i going to do? D:
Continued on 10.57p.m.
Just came back from tuition. & i was moody. Sorry monkey mummy to make you worry for me! D:
Before going to tuition, i did went to Sandra's house lah. I saw Sandra's photo. Its damn nice.
Thats all lah.
Thats the end of my life. Cause there's no more nice & enough space for me to write anymoreeee! D:
No matter how hurtful things you said to me. No matter how mean you are, i know youre always the same person i first know you.
& i would not hate you. The more you want me to hate you, the more i would not want to hate you.
Cause in friendship. there's no probably hate this word in my brain. So, its useless!