7:14 PM Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Sorry for not blogging like 5 days? Anyway, im here just to say about the day i went wild wild wet with Sandra, Tifflin, QinHui & Jolene. So, yeah. Sorry if this post sounds moody or sad. Cause im currently you know..? Troubled?! Nvm, if i continue thinking, i will just die
Kay, woke up at 8 & get ready to go Sandra's house. When we reach, we played with rusty. He just
too cute lah! After a while, Sandra's father fetch us there. :D Then reach le, QinHui, Jolene & Sandra put sunblock. Cause they scared black. LOL. Me & Tifflin wants to get darker for our legs and maybe the whole part of our body. :D Then when everything was done, we put down our bags & went into the water! Its damn fun! We played loads of things but then im not gonna name it out cause i dont know whats the name for all lah! So, yeah.
After that, we asked Sandra's mother to help us take photo. :D Everyone was so nice i think? Hahaha.

After the photos, we continued playing. (: Taken photos whn we're playing. As in, there's camera then they will snap you. Haha, so, want see? Hehe, i'll just upload lah. :D

The photo like this cost: $8.45
Key Chain: $13.80
Very expensive right? But Sandra's father paid for us. He damn good lah. Entrance fee he pay. This also pay. Can like say spend over &100 on us loh! ><
After that, we stop & have some drink. Qinhui comb her hair properly loh. Its like we getting back into the water what for comb sia? >< 爱美啦!Then we had a photo again. :l

Unglam shots. :X

Haha, thats all for the unglam. Followed, went and play again. Then 3 plus, sandra's mother want us to shower already. Then we did what she said. :D At toilet, we was passing around shampoo and etc. Haha. xD After showering, jolene taken photos with me.

Kay, my hair is too neat! LOL.

Finish our combing drying, sandra's father treat us to go New York! WTH. He's damn good leh! Thank you Uncle! We've been trying to pay the money to Sandra but then Sandra told their parent & they want us to keep it. ><
Had pizza cause didn't want to ask for so many things.

Unglam was still taken when waiting for food & eating food. :D

The big float! :D

Normal shots! :D

Before leaving, i saw something i like to eat. Want know? Scroll down. :D

Followed then, went to take neoprints. :D After taking, the father fetch us to Sandra's house to cut Sandra's birthday cake.

Kay, set off to sandra's house! We celebrated Sandra's birthday. :D

Before for me to leave her house & go tuition, i went to play swing & brought rusty out for a walk or jog. Haha. Rusty saw a girl he like & the owner of the girl dog ask her dog to come then rusty get sad. He dont want listen to Sandra's order and keep rolling on the grass. So sad when i saw it. ):

(: The end!