12:07 AM Wednesday, June 18, 2008
HAHA! I did completed homeworks! :D I did what im supposed to. & tomorrow tifflin they all coming do project again. See, we so guai. :D Kay, im priasing
US. But its true lah. This few days damn tired. & daddy insist me to go for swimming prog for sec ones. Cause he said i've grown fatter & fatter which im like 100% agree with him. But then, wear swimming costume in front of friends is damn paiseh okay?!
But daddy say, you go liao. Go for two lesson next two lesson say headache. Then go another time say come that one. Another time, forget to bring swimsuit. Ask go buy? Never go back liao. Cause buy until 5plus then just went home straight away. Haha, smart lah you daddy! ;D
Anw, ticked yes liao. So, i wish there will be fun playing the coach. (: Fooling around with them is so awsome. :D Dont agree? But, i do agree. Currently sleepying. & i think i gonna do my blog or something. :] Make it more lifely. So wouldn't sian. Hahah:D Correct? My blog like sian sian one. But acutally not for me leh. But some people who thinks that way which im damn pissed off by. :X
Kay, i go shower then watch tv then make. -Kakakakaka-
I miss my fellow friends in KC & TK. Meet up meet up meet up. YAY~