7:24 PM Thursday, July 3, 2008
Today went to East Coast Park after school. We planned to go there to have a shout after playing DDR. Cause everyone was in a bad mood.
Excluding sandra lah. She's always the happy pie. How i wish i could be her & thats fine already. Today i never play until DDR cause was not feeling right with the surrounding & not right with myself which upsets me alot.
I just played one music game & i stop. & today i saw darling xiaoqing. I felt so much lively after seeing her there. <3
I really misses her and love her! After seeing her play heavy for DDR we left & went to the water break.
We shouted as long & as loud we want even people was looking at us. Cause we are really troubled. But, maybe this time, some one is worse than me.
Which is my Tifflin! D: I dont know whats wrong cause when she's saying i was hearing song to let out my touble. So, yah.
But this message is to Tifflin.
Dont be sad lah. Jaime is always there to hear you if she's fine. :D & thanks for being there always too. :D ILY!
Anyway, unglam will be at the last. Cause jaime is too lazy to put it according. & i lost my sim card. ):
JaimeNgJingWen currently mood: Crying!
Nvm, thats all for now.
My new maid from indian. :X

Amanda can't put her belt on cause the wind is too strong. :X
Lastly, US!