Relax! ;D
9:46 PM Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hahah, i feel so relax now. BECAUSE GEOG EXAM IS OVER!!!! & I can delete everything about geog already! MY BRAIN IS EMPTY AGAIN! OH YES MAN! :D Haha. But i cannot be too happy yet, because i still got science to rememberrrrrrrrrr!!!! & i know that i will die die die. :C
Anw, today's geog exam was quite easy. I flip through all the pages & 90% i know how to do! What i've studied did not went into the drain. <: However, during exam time when i'm writing the asnwers, i have the urge just to stop doing & forget everything about geog. Hahah. I immediately stop myself from doing that & gave myself 5minutes break cos i had a very bad headache. But in the 5min, i'm look at Section C to see if which question to do. :] & i wrote all the points on the paper. So its equal to, 5minutes break=no break. Then middle of exam time, a cat just run across our class. Haha. It was quite funny. Looking at everyone's expression. Then when exam is ending, XingWen just suddenly stand up. Lol, i notice there's a bee. Ms Nufail like want to be the hero to save the day, end up, the bee went to her she was quite scared too. HAHAHA! I started laughing.
After geog, had Lit remedial with 204. Quite awkward. But its alrighttttt. C:
Had Math remedial afetr that till 11. Jolene forgot everything about algebra. LETS GIVE HER A BIG CLAP. *CLAP*
After Math remedial, went to bubbletea shop with Jolene, Rachel & Kayxi. Kayxi was high thanks to Xingwen mouth cancer! Lol. Kayxi just laugh at the smallest thing. Since she's alreadying laughing at the smallest thing, the biggest thing, don't know to say lah! Laugh until die. Lol. KIDDING. xD
Kayxi went my house, no one was at home. AS USUAL. Hahah. Kayxi fall asleep on the sofa & something paiseh happen to her. Shouldn't say, if not she'll
KILL me!!! D: She sleep, i shower. I went into my room & i sleep. Kayxi came in also & sleep. Lol. From 3, we slept intil 5plus. Wake up, blurblur loh. However, we end up laughing.
Anw, tomorrow is oral. & i gotta say, sucks. xD I wonder why oral exams is even exist in the world lah? Its not i want to be someone who can talk very nicely or whatever when i grow up. Haha.
& before i end up, today is a great day. :D