10:28 PM Thursday, September 24, 2009

i fucking lost my fucking phone. my daddy not gonna take another sim card from starhub cos i lost three phones since i have a phone when i'm in primary four. he start giving my excuses & blah. how he expect me to live without a phone sia?!! its not like i misplace it right. is someone in my class stole it. is it my fault? its not my fault. yet they're(sister, cousin & dad) is adding salt into my wound & made me cry. stupid people. so freaking piss with every single one of them. the three phone(including this time) i lost, one time is my fault. the another two is not my fault la. yet i get a scolding saying i'm careless & shit. hell la. =.=

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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