9:20 PM Monday, September 28, 2009

I find myself a good girl today. <: Hahaha.
PE. Quite boring laaaa. Played games. The games were fun. :D
Math. It was taken over by Mrs Ho. Cos we had Science CA4. The paper okok lah. Just that i dont think i will score what i expect. So... Prepare to face the situation. Hahah.
Chinese. BORINGGGGGGGGGG. Chinese is getting boring & boring & boring. I also dont know why. However, Peggy allow us to change. Everyone want to change. Then Peggy see so many people, she ask us change in class she go outside. Hahah!
After recess is D&T. That 1h30min I'm sticking to June cos our project is like at the same steps. Hahaha. Did the bending. Jolene Seah they all came walking to me so wetish. Their sweat is dripping. Hah. June & me do, we never even sweat. They insist that we're not humans. -.- Hah.
Geog. As everyone know, Mrs Lim's lesson is just sooooooooooo boring. & i was so tired & hot. & once I'm feeling hot & tired, i'll get very rebellious. Cos i will make myself high & make lot of noise to piss the teacher. Mrs Lim doing revision. She keep saying
TYPES of pollution. Must see what word or whatever. Since she keep repeating, i decided to help her repeat. Then Amanda say i very noisy & keep laughing at me. Finally, Mrs Lim change to
CAUSES of pollution. Just nice Amanda & i say it together & we laugh. She ask us define "High Density Population". I immediately say,"ALOT OF PEOPLE!" Mrs Lim was writing & she turned & say NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Her face was so funny. The whole classs burst out laughing. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Everyone is complaining me being so noisy.
Assembly. The class was so noisy cos no teacher. Natalie tell me Mr Pang coming. I know le, my voice change & shouted,"MR PANG COMING!" Everyone was talking, they hear liao, they chiong to their places & laugh non-stop. Leona laugh cos of my voice. Amanda laugh cos everyone's(including her's) reaction damn funny. Lol. However, assembly was taken over by Mrs Ng. However, she only take one period because she didn't know whatever whatever whatever. I was attentive though i was daydreaming for a few seconds. Mrs Ng lesson end. D&T girls have to go to workshop to complete our projects!!!! 201 was there. The whole room so stuffy. I'm sweating like non-stopppppppppppppppppppp. Hahah. School end.
I didn't stay back in school even i dont feel like going home. However, i really have bad habits. Once I lie on my bed, i dont feel like getting up anymoreeeee. Its like so comfortable. Then i will start giving myself somehow called "discount". Like, Aiyah! Lie until 4.30. However, its 4.30, i tell myself. 5 must get up & study laaaaaa. 5, i'm still on my bed. 5.15 i pull myself up & start studying geog. Hahah. <: Dinner, i was so hungry that i eat 4plates of rice! HAHAHA! Sister is sick, AGAIN. -.- I'm studying chinese. But i've been repeating this two words. 挫折&障碍. How pathetic right. & i read out damn loud asking myself whats that two words. Sister scolded me for being so noisy. CHEH. Kay! BYE!