You're cute.
Yesterday had beach cleaning. Have a wake up earlier than usual time. School starts at 7.25. However, yesterday must reach at 7. How pathetic is that right? Morning, meet Jolene & Sonia. Found out Amanda they all don't wanna come just because they're too tired. So we was like, nvm la. Have fun loh us. Went 7-11 to buy snacks to eat. Assemble in foyer. Head to Changi Beach i think? Put our bags & start to pick up litters. I was probably high to make the atmosphere better for me. So i was singing Xiao Wei. Sonia, Nadia & Jolene omg me. Hahah.

This is the sea lettuce. ;D

Jolene want me to piggyback her.
Cos of the rain, we go back to school earlier & release earlier. After that, went to parkway with Jolene, Sonia, Nadia, Noreen, Kayxi & Charlotte. They eat lunch. Nadia sleep. I look. Hahah. Walk around & Kayxi & me go first cos she have to see doctor. While walking to the clinic, we started fighting again. Lol.
Reach home, we eat. Then stay in the room. I floor asleep on the floor. Wake up, go shower. Kayxi go shower. Finally can lie on the bed. I want to sleep. But Kayxi keep tickling me until i revenge back. She know my weak point is tickle, to get rid of me is to tickle. ARGH. Eat dinner & left. Mr Gan's house so cold. I was shivering. Tuition end, walk, i was shivering also. Reach home, I'm alone, AGAIN. -.- I SO LONER LA. Argh. I wait for sister until i fall asleep on the sofa. She reach home, call me wake up & walk to room.
Today, wake up late uh. Hahah. Too tired. Daddy told me Joelle coming. Hah. I was like,"WHAT?! I prepared to study liao leh!" I am in the mood to study today la. But cannot anymore. Joelle's mum want to eat the Anold Chicken. The husband buy. I accompanied him. City Plaza so many people. All maids & Malay people. See people fighting some more. Hahaha. Reach home, eat loh. Damn full. Sister went out again. >: ARGH. At night gonna be alone again. -.- Now, nothing to do. Talking to Kayxi in msn. Alright, byeeeeeeeeeee! Tmrw got tuition in the morning! 9.30 - 10.30!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!