Had PC. Greet finish Mr Pang, i laid back. Mr Pang stared at me. So almost everyone turned & look at me seeing whats wrong. I expected Mr Pang gonna change my place. Then he say,"Jaime, move here." Walao. I very poor thing leh! Last time sit centre with June, then he move me to sit at the back with the recycling bin. THEN NOW ALL THE WAY TO THE FRONT?!!!!!! Then i move my table while saying."Mr Pang! You move me in front, next time never do homework, teacher will scold! ):" Everyone laughed cos i shouldn't say that. :X Sit in front, with Amanda loh. BUT, Mr Pang also a bit toot leh! All my clique there, he put me surrounded with my clique. SURE DIE DE WHAT. Hahah!
Lit next. Kinda boring. Amanda & i gonna fall asleep liao. Then Mrs Ng bring us somewhere. I SAW SOMEONE I HATE THAT MAKE ME SO PISS. Arghhhhhh. :@ What day is today sia?!!!!!!!! Worse than Monday. See until that
BITCH 7-8 times today leh! What shit lah.
Project work was breifing about Beach Cleaning on Saturday. MUST WEAR TRACK PANTS. -.- SO HOT LAH. I wear i gonna fold up for sure. So wear for what?!!! :/ Then the talk from Ms Koh make me want to sleep. Then she suddenly tab me & wake me up. Scare me.
After recess, English. I was damn high. I think i somehow piss Mrs Goh. She haven say finish anything i say liao. Or either, i talk rubbish. HAHAHAHAHAHA. She's damn nice lah Mrs Goh.
Science. YAY! Sit in front i paid attention. I understand Disgestion now. Its so simple! :D I was happy & i did my theory so happily.
IT. Was just looking at other class video. Azida one was damn funny! I LOVE IT! Damn nice lah. Suree score damn high de loh they all. hahaha.
After school, stayed back with Tifflin & Kayxi. Kayxi go netball meeting. Had emotionals talk with Tifflin. Hah, was quite sad. It totally ruin my whole afternoon. >: Tifflin went home, then study with Kayxi. However, i ended up sleeping. 5plus went home. Was piss with mummy. Keep scolding me for no reason. People "TSK!" also cannot. CHEH! Then she ask me off the tv. I off & go to my room & lie down. Almost fall asleep. But immediately jump & go out to study. Mother ask cousin....
Mother: Ping! You got use anything to hit here not?!! See! Here got hole!
-Ping take a look-
Ping: NO. I never.Mother: Eileen! You?!
Eileen: What? Never la.Mother: Jaime! Got or not?!!!
Me: Wuliao!
Sister started laughing damn badly cos what i answer & how i look like when i answer was funny. What the hell lah. I said that cos my mother asked before already! Then my mother continue blabbering saying she always ask no one will admit de lah. ALWAYS ONE. Where got always sia... Then don't ask la miiii! -.- My dear sister was still laughing about it & keep repeating about the scene.
Today. Lessons, fine lah. Exercise need to run. WALAO LEH. Early in the morning run. Got no mood to run. ):
Then was PC. Okok lah. Was wanting to sleep so muchhhhhhhhhhhh.
English, Mrs Goh never come! ): Then got another teacher. She's like someone acting fierce when she can't. & she very annoying. After she leave, everyone was talking about her. Then after a while, SHE CAME IN AGAIN. WTF IS HER PROBLEM. She sucks lah!
After recess, have chinese. Peggy beat me! Then June beside me laugh. Peggy thought i was playing behind her. BUT I WASN'T! I move just nice she walk back.... Then i was like AHHH! Peggy then beat me. I so innocent lah. Then i press June's blueblack. Peggy ask her ghost pinch you ah? June anyhow answer she YA YA YA. Peggy tell the whole class then i was at there laughing my ass out. June told Peggy,"No! Is JingWen make me one!" LOL. No cure!
Math. Ms Tan damn funny. June sit beside me. 3tables, 4chairs. So Gloria, Diane & Me was so pack. Our table all so messy. Ms Tan let us see this video. She tell June & me that the video is old. So don't laugh. I said,"Then lets purposely laugh!" End up only i hahahahahah. June never. She stare at me & she laugh. WTHELL LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ms Tan play, then Jolene make her laugh saying you take from Mr Pang one ah?! Ms Tan started laughing non-stop saying,"Stop making me laugh! HAAHAHAHA!" Ms Tan face was all red. The whole class were laughing badly. Lol.
Geog, June sit with me also. Lol. I didn't pay attention. June & i was playing hangman in Diane's electronic dict. Hahah. I give word, June guess. Quite fun.
After school, had choirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Lunched with Sonia, Amanda, Xingwen, Tifflin & Noreen. I started playing shooting ice. Haha. Then the seniors behind scold us.
Senior: Can you all stop playing?! Can't you understand english?! Are you all Sec 1 or Sec 2?!
Me: SEC 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Senior: You all are so childish playing. & you all have 4brains.
I'm not sure if they said that not. But if i'm not wrong, i would be so cleve having 4brains leh! HAHAH. But point is, i fucking hate the senior. Sec 4, so what?!!! BIG AH. Size big, breast also big lah. I KNOW. FAT WHAT. HAHAHAHAHA! L-O-S-E-R! -.- Hope you fail O Level. ;P
Choir, OKOK NIA.
Then stayed with Kayxi. We was pushing each other. We was fighting lah. AIYER! Then the rain so heavy. The lightning & thunder scare me. HOH.
Reach home. I see until my sister. I just suddenly say,"WHAT?" Sister laughed. -.- HUH?!!! What i do? Then i replied back."WULIAO!" & the scene happened yesterday sister say it again. LAWLS. OKAY? Now, i haven shower. Lol. & my hand is tired le. SO BYE!
I'm just someone who is useless that doesn't make a difference in your life.