Yesterday was a weird day. Hahah. I was dreaming about something very bad. I dreamt of my daddy scolding me very badly & Kayxi scolding me very badly too. & i'm crying when i'm sleeping. I woke up because i'm like jumping. You know when people cry, then they will jump. I dont know what word is that lah. So, whateverrr. I wipe away & tried to sleep again, but my tears keep rolling down. Go toilet, also. Finally, it stopped. & thanks man, i can't sleep anymore.
Wake up, i studied immediately cos i know that later on there will be a lot of people coming to my house. Its like chinese new year. People coming my house. Really a weird day. Haha. Joelle, Joelle's mother & Joelle's father came first. I stopped studying.
I accompanied sister to go school to take some stuffs then buy Empire Donut. :D Its so freaking hot. Sister & me gonna faint cos' of heatstroke mannnnnnnnnnn. Reach home, immediately eat. SO NICE. Hahah.
Tracia & her mother were there already. Tracia's mother stomach big liao!!! Inside is a baby boy. Our family girl's batch STOP already!!!! After like 20plus girls, now suddenly pop out a boy! & i gonna takecare of a baby boy next time! Seeing something different is weirddd & eeeee. Later pee, make until my face! Yucks?
Anw, everyone take out their laptop & start playing computer games with each other. Haha. We played the fish game. :D Very fun. I'm like addicted to it now, WHEN I AM HAVING EXAMS. Haha. Mumu told sister not to study. Tomorrow then chiong. Hahah. I automatic dont study liao loh.
4plus, go swimming despite it gonna rain with cousin(joelle's mother)Tracia & Joelle. Tracia just immediately jump into the water when the water is so cold. Cousin, Joelle & me was shivering. After a while, i just jump into the swimming pool also. I was like AHHHHH! COLD COLD COLD. Hahah. Then I force Joelle to go into the pull. But she keep shake her head. Hahah. I ask Tracia to splash water on cousin. Cousin wasn't really wet. Then she kick the water on me & tracia. ARGH. Joelle walk along the baby pool & she fell!!! HAHAHA!! Cousin thought was a deep pool, she jump & turn out so funny. She too worried liao. But joelle was fineeeee. She fell but she ended up standingggg. I carry Joelle into the big pool. She was shivering NON-STOP. Its very nice to carry her cos' she hug you very tightly. You don't carry her also can. She's like clinged onto you. I asked cousin to carry Joelle & start swimming.
Then 5plus go up. Toilet flood with people. Tracia, Joelle, cousin & me showered tgt. Hahah. I put the oil too much on Joelle's body, she start jumping, shaking her hand, & keep ahhhhh. She want people to carry her so much cos its hottt. Lol. SORRY JOELLE!!!!!! xD
7plus they left & watch my tv & go sleep.

Today!! Wake up watch tv. Hahah. & begin studying at 1.45. STUDY GEOG. I'm only at chapter 16! Still got two more. But chapter 19 more impotant. So gonna study that first. :D Studied for 6h. 7 i stop. Now, i'm using the computer. & mummy say later need to study again! AHHHH! I'm dyingggggggggggggggggggggg. ALRIGHT. Bye.