Today is the last practise for bowling!!! ): I gonna miss Leslie, our teacher. Hahah. Learnt how to play bowling is good! Hahah, it makes your hand pain. :X (its tureee that your hand hurt!!!!) Nah, its just something fun. Yah, my ball still drop to the gutter. BUT! I strike before too! (: However, honestly, my ball drop to the gutter more than me getting a strike. HAHAHA. Alright, thats so lameeeeee. Like damn lameeeee. xD Today had theory exam. Then practical. The ball too oily, when i want to bowl liao, the ball fly off my hand until damn far. Luckily no one was there if not they'll be hurt. Everyone got a shock. I was so paiseh & i fall on the floor & laughed. HAHAHA! :X Geraldine & Sandra was singing & they suddenly jump. HAHAHAHA! Anw, today I strike & split! :D I hit one of the pin, then it fly to hit another one. I was so shock & also happy about it. Hahah! Played 3times of games. Then its time to go home le. HURHUR! I never go home, i go parkway. Yesterday i forced cousin to go parkway with me cos i have NO TUITION TODAY!!!!! ARGH. Then stay at home so sian de. Cousin no choice, just say fineeee. Hahah! I'm evil. Shop in parkway. The usual me, play toy & keep asking cousin to buy for me! HAHAHA. I go buy water gun. :X I'm 14 yet I'm behaving like 7 year old. PATHETIC ME. xD Then Joelle was probably high when she's in Isetan. I put her down play toy. She go find boys & hug. I was like, "OIE!!! What you doing! You girl leh!" She ignore me, still hugging the boy & the parents of the boy laughed. Joelle even sayang the boy. CHEH! Then i pull her away, she run the whole Isetan! I chase until i at there panting. Joelle's father laughed at me. Then when they carry Joelle, Joelle push their hands want come down. So they let her come down. HAHAHA. So i continued chasing like some maids catching mouse. -.- Caught her, carry her & play falling game with her until my hand aching. She enjoy at there keep laughing, act that she's falling liao. Then my hand aching. ): CHEY! She got no more energy, so i made her sleep. Finally, its time for me to rest. Went out of parkway, Maybank have promotion. Got free balloon & free sketching of yourself! Joelle, sister, cousin & me go do. HAHAHA. Look at the sketch!

Cousin. The dress so short. HAHA.

Joelle the ugliest! People want draw, she keep turning. Cannot see properly. So the person just drawdraw. Joelle is the princess. Behind is the castle. HAHA.

This is me!!! :D They say look like me. But i don't think so. HAHAHA!

My sister! HAHA. Sit on sofa with her bigbig foot. The person purposely draw my sister like that de. HAHAHA. xD
Cute right all the sketches??? :D Below still got the signature of the person & the date. Thanks uh! (: Like comic comic type. HAHAH. Love it. Gonna ask Jolene Seah to scan for me if she's willing to. xD HAHA. After that, wait for taxi. Then we was in front of one women that had also just arrive, just that earlier than us by
few seconds. We stand in front of her, she just shouted," EY! I come first you know!!!!" Sister, cousin, cousin's husband & me turn. My cousin's husband, Henry Gege said back,"YA YA YA! I KNOW! WE GIVE YOU!" I find her so fucking idiot, i shout back,"YA LAH! ASS LA YOU. -.- Fuck." That women didn't bother about me. I rolled my eyes at her & just continue waiting for taxi. Walao, this world also got this kind of women sia. WHAT SHIT LAH. Taxi so many, like this also want to fight. SIAO DE. Sometimes i in front of people, i know they reach first, they don't mind but i still let them have the cab first cos they deserve it. That women this type, shit la. Complain i also don't care. -.- IDIOT IS THE BEST WORD FOR HER LA. Reach home, i open up all the toys of Joelle's one again. HAAH! Then went swimming. :D Played with her & 6plus shower with her & eat dinner. Tomorrow going out to Althea's house? IDK. AHHAAHHA!!! xD I just follow Kayxi since she always come my house & holiday I NEVER EVEN GO OUT. I deserve to go out. MOHAHAHAH. I'M SO HIGH NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA. ALRIGHT. BYE. ;P