You'll never expect that. :/

-Isn't that true?-
28/2/2009I wanted to study & do my homework, end up i watch tv all day & talked to my sister the whole day day.
5plus i slept. Hahaha. & i was waken by my sister. Quickly shower & went to meet Shuchun. & just nice, it rained. SO SUAIIII!! D:
Meet Kayxi at Int then she buy her Mac againnnnnnnnnnnnnn! -.- Tuition time was okay. Cos i know how to do.
SO EASY LAHHHHH. Hahaha. ;x Then Kayxi keep squeezing fries into my mouth. Lollol. She meanie! Tsktsktsk.
Tuition ended & it rained. No one brought unbrella. So, Kayxi, Tifflin, Shuchun & me all get wet. & its cold alright.
In the bus i was freezing. My hand was sosososososososo numb lah. Reach home, "someone" wants me to shower before eating.
Shower log. Then end up shower finish then eat loh.
P/s I've enough.
1-3-2009I got a cold. My voice changed & my nose damn pain. Lollol. Daddy bought me medicineeeeeee. :] & i have no idea why my daddy keep giving me medicine to eat since last week.
Weird. To strengthen my body meh? LOL.
Kay, i shall begin my homework LATER ON. :D
& i think mummy & daddy is leaving today. :/ Popo went to the hospital and they have to rush back. D:
Actually they're going Europe, end up they need to cancel. SIGHHHH.