7:01 PM Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bad day cos of you.

Hello earthings in the world.
PC today end up to be studying & talking about the stealer in our class. -.- People have been losing sutffs. Mandy lost her wallet yesterday.
Sigh, every single year we have a stealer. Boringggg.
English was all do crossward puzzle then copy vocab. Then very fast over liao.
History studied for chinese a little. Then talk.
Recess time ate & i freaking forget to bring chinese book down. ): Chinese exam next. Its quite hard for the front part.
I must get over 70! If i get 60plus, i gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Next was Science. Had our test paper back.
I saw 22/25, i thought i taken the wrong paper. Then i see the name & it was mine. I jumped up & down.
Went through answer & i didn't know i was the first in class. Yayyyyyy. But i not gonna tell mummy.
Art i do nothing. I've done all the art stuffs & i never bring Math book.

Choir time is scaryyyyyyy. Had Audition Round 2. I passed. Phew. & i got sore throat & cramps lah. Its so scary.
Singsingsing. 6 go home. Kayxi & Althea damn funny. Althea drop the ball & it bounce front. Yet, Althea run to the back & she see no ball.
Kayxi & i laughed at her.
Then we keep making each other. Shall not say much already. -BYE.-

Im really hating you moreeeee!
GOSH. You're like...
Ruining me. Make me feel like some crazy women get angry.
Thanks to you lah.
FUCK LAH. Now you are, & you'll get more attention.
& thus, ___ gonna go freaking close to you, concern you.
KNN! -.-
You ruin us, & i so gonna hate you sooner.

You'll never know how i feel.
You'll never thought of how i feel.
I looked at you & i will go :(.
You just make me sooooo...
You're so important. heart Pictures, Images and Photos

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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