I'm just back from swimming. I feel so much relax after CA is finally overrrrrrrrr. Though i'm still somehow worried about my result, but i get ready to know
how bad is my result liao.
& i want to say something,
They're like freaking hard. Argh, whatever. -.-
21/2/2009Woke up at 8 & then 10. Watch tv & slowly showered. Today is a bad hair day!! My fringe just doesn't seems to be nice.
& i spend more than an hour to make my freaking fringe until i dared to step up my house though it still doesn't look nice at all.
Due to the time, i just went out with my hair like some crazy women.
-Pissed off- When i reach school, i walked to our bus stop.
From far i saw the Miss Amanda. ;x I should not say why lah. Amanda was very pissed cos i was veryvery late. Heh.
-Sorry lah Amanda-
Reach liao, eat a little & Amanda was so urge to play DDR. We change loads of tokens. & play until my leg pain. ): HURHUR.
Jolene came & once she come, she never fail to take photos. You go out with her one time, you will at least have 1 photos.

Rachel came. After a while, everyone dont want play liao. We went to another arcade. Jolene & i take neoprints.

Jolene look so nice in all the neoprints. NAH, she look nice in photos always. :D Doesn't mean that in real life she look horrible k! CHEH.
Then went out, Rachel, Tifflin & Amanda played basketball.
Rachel play until very good leh. Her points very high. Gosh lah. Walk with Amanda to bus stop. The rest walk another way claim that there faster. -.-
But actually not. Lol. >< Talked a little & yah. (:
They go parkway i went home cos i can't stand the stickiness. & i feel smelly.
Went home, Joelle is asleep. :/ Cannot play with her.
I showered, wash my hair. & my hair finally come back. Meet Shuchun.
The bus driver drrive till damn slow can?! I was so pissed off. -.- Kayxi go eat her Mac again. Tuition time was alright lah.
Just that Kayxi snatch my lolippop & eat. & i cannot have it back already. :/
Mr Gan give us eat chocolate to eat. SO NICEEEEE! Haha. Then they go pee then we went home.
It doesn't matter.
22/2/2009I had a stupid stomach ache again. I KEEP GOING IN & OUT THE TOILET. >< Finally, stop going in & out the toilet liao. But my leg become soft. ;/ Cousin came & went swimming with her when its raining. Nvm. (: Its fun too. Kay, i got nothing to say already. I might want to take something & read & think about something. Sighh.
Stand there keep looking "there" & smile & giving those face.
What the hell lah. -.-
You're making me damn pissed off with you k?!
Freak leh you.
Stop it.
Just tell me the truth. Dont need keep saying its me its me.
I had enough & im still bearing k?!