Where i belong
9:21 PM Wednesday, February 18, 2009

HELLO. :] My fever went down & i feel so much better as compared to yesterday. :S But i hav a freaking cramp which make me so...
PISSED OFF. ): Its like pain until you can faint.
Lit was alright.
Just that, i dislike the teacher to stop us from reading it & after she explains, she ask us to read again. Then she stp us again.
& she explain the same line. -.- Make me want to sleep.
Contact time, a little of lecture. -Whateverrrrrrrrr- I dont think i can get 60% lah. Nvm, i shall get ready to give HIM a explaination.
English was fun. Create crossward puzzle. Didn't went down for recess cos
1) I had cramp.
2) June lazy.
3) Tifflin is sick.
Tifflin is sick, so sudden. D: Tifflin, takecare & get well to be that craazy & talkative Tifflin again. Yay! (:
Math, i send Tifflin down to let her take her History paper first then she go home.
Total, spend 30min.
Then i reach class, i was very blur.
Next, History exam. ): I am prepared to fail. 45min to do the paper. 15min i do the paper & rest, i was sleeping.
I wasn't feeling well at that period of timeeeeeeeeeee. I dont even know a single answer lah. Probably, will score less than 5marks.
Upon what?! 30. -Jaime, you're sososososo dead.-
Chinese lesson was alright. Had groupwork & then end of school le. (:
Eat lunch with Jolene, Amanda, Sonia, Jolyn & Nikita or maybe June? Idk. Went for Math remedial cos Math CA is on Friday.
I gotta say, Ms Ong rock & she's damn cute. We keep on making her laugh then when we laugh she'll laugh. :]
Went bubbletea shop cos June suddenly want to drink cold drinks. I buy my cheesefries. While waiting for bus, i saw my ex!
Gosh, so paiseh. D: In the bus, was talking to June. Soon, reach my busstop liao. Go home, i watch tv until i fall asleep cos of my cramp.
Wake up at 7plus. & found out i have fever back again. Eat medicine for cough, fever/pain & anti-biotic.
Ewwwww. SUCKS LEH anti-biotic. I not gonna finish all even the doctor asked me to finish 2bottles.
Let two more chapter to revise for chinese. (: WISH ME GOOD LUCK FOR CHINESE CA! :]

Whatever i do/say seems to be wrong.
What am i suppose to do?
Manymany problems are coming towards me & i have
to encounter it.
Its so terrible. ):

You're soooooooooo.. Keep saying you're not you're not when you are.
You want to see then just say.
Dont need to pretend & walk one round.
Please lah, you never even put ___ down lah. -.-

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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