Helloooooooooo. :D Today I'm abit pissed, & i'm happy too. But not abit happy, its just happy? xD
Today PE had NAPFA. Its so tiring. I started off very slow. Then i chiong & i was sooooo tired. I walked. Reach Ngee Ann, 17min le.
I chiong & when i reach, i almost fainted. Its like breathless lah. D:
History was just all about videos. Next up was English. I added one marks for English. xD Lollol, but i still fail. -.-
Recess time everyone was so excited to have Math lesson. HAHA, we want our paper back. & kayxi made me so crazy.
She keep shaking me cos she
finally pass her Math. Just pass... But anyway,
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. :DMath lesson, we need to listen first. Left 15min, its time to get our papers. :D 5people gotten full marks.
& when giving out papers, i was so nervous. My turn, i saw my score, i was so freaking happy! 29/30! Yay!!!!! :D
GOSH LAH. If i put that "0", i would just get full marks. -.- ARGH. Lit was okok lah. Tomorrow gonna have Lit test.
Science i was payin 100% full attention when i was doing my theory workbook. HAHA. Then Jolene Seah was very noisy.
June asked her to keep quiet until school ends, she really did. & Jolene look damn funny & cute when she cant talk. xD
Jolene didn't talk until i threaten her. (: Stayed back to eat then went to meet Mrs Ang for the Melbourne thingy.
Stayed back in school a while with Kayxi, Amanda, Nadia, Bern, Venus & Denise. But not the whole time they're there.
Kayxi was playing with the rope. & Nadia took a photo of her. xD She look like a monkey.

3plus, go pei Kayxi buy her food then we slowly walk back to school bus stop for fun. xD LOL.
Came back home, saw my bill. Hurhur. So ex for my parents.
They will start nagging & will keep saying
i cut away your line later. -.-
Kay, ending off.
MOSTLY, MID-YEAR, I WANT TO GO EXPRESS!Stuffs that i dont like to see always happen.
& its freaking irritating k?! ASSHOLE.
You're just making me more sad, pissed & hate you even more.
Im bearing with it.
However, there's a limit k?!
Though you dont know IM talking about YOU, but i think its obvious.Yeah, here it start again. :/ You write then later you sms her.
THEN, you two okay.
Resulting, close loh.
Me? Kena dumped. Im like a toy.
Keep throwing here & there. -.-