7:53 PM Monday, February 16, 2009

Post gonna be a little boring & sadist. Please spare me.
I was sick in the morning. I didn't expected myself to have a fever actually. Cos i wasn't really feel sick until my back ache.
Exercise i didn't run. I walked. End liao, i super pissed with her.
Wtf?! You dont concern then shut up. Dont need say whatwhatwhat. -.- WTF.
English was boringggggg. Math i dont even understand a single thing. I started telling Nadia about High School Musical 2.
Nadia keep grumbling that she's hungry. Then i told her lets copy from HSM2. The clock bigbig behind the teacher.
Then you whisper,"Recess, recess recess recess." & 10.15, just say the song "What time is it". Nadia started laughing very hardly.
Recess time stayed with Amanda. Talked to her a little. Then followed Jolyn marching & jump up the stairs.
OC was... ARGH. Teacher asked my group to get out of the gym. Wondering what we've doneeeeeeeee. -.-
Science was copying notes again. Its just so fun copying notes. Lit i was paying full attention. I'm getting interested in Lit.
Next, was English CA. Its freaking hard? I didn't complete my freaking paper. & i was panicking until i get damm stress up & want to cry.
I was also very pissed. -.- I sure fail my English paper. Sighh.

Stayed back with Sonia, Kayxi & Nadia. We was actually to be studying. But it appear not. After that, we sit one table for each person.
After a while, Sonia sit with me & we started talking about stuffs. & i found out alot of stuffs. I dont know if its true from those person who told her or whatever.
But now, i have loads of trouble.

If because of her, then you're so cold to me,
then i got nothing to say.
I've been trying to communicate with you, & you dont respond to that.
You made me feel like a stupid idiot you know?!
Cos no matter what, you're still so cold to me.
I'm trying NOT to care.
Cos i dont want anything to happen again & again & again. Its boring. -.-

Trust is very important between parents & daughter.
There's a lack in trust, mum.
We just fought & i cried more than 20min.
I would remember why i cry for so long. Its very sad that
you dont even put a single slight of trust in me.
Whenever something happen, you'll just stare at me.
& i told you,"I didn't do that." I even told you nicely & clamly.
What's your reply mum?
"You got do or not you ownself know lah."
Wthell? I want 100% of trust from you. But you're giving me 0% of trust.
Parents are suppose to trust their daughters the most in the world.
Yet, it appears not to be so. D:

I've heard something from her.
I dont know if its true anot. But im trying to believe what she said is not true.
However, it take times to forget.
Like what Sonia said. It take time.

I just want to say, lets stop all this. :/
I hate this.

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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