Morning, my heart feels bitter & sour.
I knew something wrong gonna happen later on. &
HAHAHAHA, i cried after Mrs Ang said this word to me "irresponsible".
Gosh, i'm tired. Tired of school. I dont feel like going to school already. I dont know whats the problem.
The school? The friends? The sleep that i have everyday?
I'm confused nowwww.
Exercise i didn't really run. No mood to run. D: June & Amanda pei me walk. But, ran a little.
English was kinda fun.
I became very hyperrrrrr. Then i keep making Juneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ;x
Math i was even crazier. I keep making June.
She cross her legs again. So i copied Mrs Peggy Tan, draw her leg. :D Then June was like "eyyy!" After a while, i get even hyper.
I wanted to drink water, then i go spray water on June's chair. HAHA, i began laughing louder & louder.
June scolded without knowing her pinafore was wet. Then she stand up, i laugh eveneven MORE. I told Nadia about it.
& she laughed very loud too. June find i weird, ask Tifflin to see. Hahaha. & June know le.
Recess June was like complaining. Bern say,"Good job friend!" :D
OC is okay if you participate in the communication. (: Was Science. Went to Science Lab. Yay, done experiment.
& i think its damn cool lah. Had Lit. Argh, i freaking pissed off with Mrs Ng. After her lesson is assembly.
Then MR PANG said by 1.25 must reach the hall. -.- & what time Mrs Ng let us off?! 1.26pm. Say wat,"Other class haven go, later then go lah."
Got fire that time, people dont go you dont go lah?! WTH?! Then always let us kena scolding. GOSH. Sickening!
Assembly talking about exchange trips. Was alright, only thing, i want to sleep.
*End of school*
June came my house. Go eat lunch. She go eat free food from her auntie. & for me, eat KFC. :]
Then started with History project.
& i dont know what i said to June, made her keep laughing. & the laughter is damn different from the other times she laughed. ><
Dododo, then 6plus she went off. Before sleeping, mother scolded me. She made me even
veryvery upset.
Once she left, i sat on my bed, & cried badly. I know i cried more than 20min. ): Mummy, you wouldn't know how it feels...
Sometimes the more laughter you've gotten, the more you should worry.
Keeping to youself is better than expressing out to others & give them even more trouble.
I'm getting tired. :/