9:53 PM Thursday, September 4, 2008
Hello! (:
I'm bored now. :/ & i just went and see my nuffnang.
I've check out alot of stuffs.
Cool!!!Haha, anyway, today had choir.
& was still sleep when its 7.47.
I forgotten choir start at 8.30. I thought it was 9. I jump up & showered.
I was damn tired can? Today's choir kinda bored.. I fell asleep of time.
Then my leg the injury was so itchy.
Now, its damn disgusting. Want see?

Its disgusting right? The pic was so much bigger.
Azida told me its disgusting. Planned to make it smaller. Haha, is that alright?

This is damn disgusting. :X
Unglam! :D

Geraldine took a video when she tickling me. OMG lah! So unglam.
I shall go her blog & see later. ;D
Then was release early today. YAY! Stayed back & practise drama.
Then only a while go home.
Used com for like 2h? Then showered & studied for 3h!
Wooooooo! I fell asleep when i laid on my bed.
Woke up at around 8plus? Wake up eat. No appetiate. :/
Didn't eat much. I just drink soup with the rice. Im damn bored now. :/
Yesterday did something for Amanda sweetheart & Kayxi.


Don't cry. (: Must smile kay?
Be strong my dear girl!
Where got maid not strong de? No right? So, be strong!