10:46 PM Thursday, August 28, 2008
Erm, today's lesson quite fun lah. Hahahahaha. (:
Thought that Thursday will always be an boring day. But, its not for today. Time just flies very fast. I not gonna say about other lessons.
I just want to say about Chinese lesson. Its as fun as i expected. :DPeggy is really very good. (: She made me laugh non-stop.
Anyway, after school, have choir. Today's choir new song sucks. I dont feel like singing loh. I almost died loh. Haha.
Went home, showered & rushed to parkway to buy clothes for wedding tomorrow. Hahahahahaha.
Was so shock that cousins was all here lah! :D They didn't even tell us anything kay! Surprising. .______.
Shouldn't say anything more.