8:40 PM Sunday, August 31, 2008

I'm back from CIP. Its damn tiring canzxz?!
I thought it was fun. Ending up, i was half died after doing an hour of talkings & smiling!
Let me talk about the progress of me daring to do the talkings & smiling.

Starting, Bern, Amanda, Nadia & I was so pissed with those unfriendly person loh.
We ask them they will just dao us, no money, rushing & no!
Wthell. We went around holding this.
I love some of the people who helped us buy! :D
Some approach us personally. One of the buyer was from st pat! Hahahaha.
Then one 1/5 girl was so good in selling.
We learn some tips. I was so angry with myself for being so dumb.
So, i just take up the courage & start talking.
& yay, i sell loads of bags & gotten loads of money!! :D
My sentence to sell things is:
Hie good morning/afternoon sir/madam, would you like to donate to the SPAC?
* if they want, we will say this.
If you donate to an amount of $5, you will get a bag for free. *after donating & everything
Thank you very much.

Thats my sentence! Haha. After that, i was so tired.
Went to eat lunch. Mrs Guna was so good!
She bought 10 mac chicken for us. OMG! I love her!
I shared with Bern cos too full.
After that started sm-ing.
Chan ask me want go pp find her not. I say okay, & i sign off & leave suntec.
Waiting for taxi is so damn long canzxz?! Reach pp, meet chan at starbuck.
So paiseh loh. Ask her walk more lady like, she started walking off so gay.
Amanda & i dont know her. xD
Then went evergreen, not be careful make until things drop.
Chan started laughing & say i fat with the action.
I started laughing non-stop can. Chan also started laughing. She went off, went popular buy books for Amanda & someone. :D Heehee.

For dinner is so full! Went out & eat. Went home, cousin pack things & they left.
So gonna miss them.
Should end! Todoos~!
Photos for today! :D

Takecare my dear sweetheart yongren!
You'll always be my only darling kay? :D
ILY! Must sms me on 6th sep! <3333333333>

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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