9:16 PM Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How i wish time will never fly when i was young.
No worries.
No sadness.
Can just do whatever we want.
Want whatever we want.
Just beg beg mummy & daddy, can already.


With worries
With sadness
I can't even beg them.
Cos what i want they can't get it for me. Its not that they have no ability to get it from me. Its just that..

They dont know what had exactly happen in my whole entire life.
Especially last year & this year. :/ My life is just like a roller coaster ride.

It wouldn't be wonderful all the times. It will just be fine for a few hours. After that, im at the highest point rushing down again.

You guys get what i mean? :/ Its okay if you all dont get it, cos, i'm totally in a maze now. I'm loss now.

Everything is not your fault, its my emotional... ):

helpless, weird, sad, piss, angry, tired, tearing.


Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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