8:47 PM Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Hello! :D
I know my skin is ruined. By who? By
ME!I took almost like 1h to complete loh. Cos, my sister keep talking to me. :/
& 1.47a.m i then complete it. Just that, my name is in middle of no where.
Later i should go edit it. (:
Anyway, today the hardworking us asked Mrs Ho to give us remedial.
The us is, Amanda, Sonia & Me myself. (: Hahaha.
We took 1h30min to finish one worksheet. Lol, no lah.
Got talk talk also. Plus, Mrs Ho was late too. Hehheh.
Actually, Mrs Ho quite good de leh. I kinda like her more. (:
Remedial finish, went to Parkway & eat Mos Burger.
The Burger is damn
bigbigbig can?!
My mouth not so big to sqeuuze it in. Hahahahaha. Eat liao go
Bought this Lecture Pad which is coloured one. I bought

See, Practise makes Perfect! 100/100
Amanda bought
Sonia bought
red. Hahaha.

Tsktsktsk, Sonia hate exams!!! Wah, clever sia she. 0/100 leh!! Hahahahahaha. :P
Sonia mother fetch us to Kayxi's house.
I fcking miss her canzxzxz?!!??!!
Her swimming pool very shallow loh. 0.9m only. Hahaha.
Went up her house & was scared of her mother. She pushed me in the mother saw me.
Kayxi's mother ask me some question. & Kayxi was at there laughing!!! :/
Meanie! After a while, Amanda's parents call & ask her go back. ==!!
Then we went out & wear our shoe. I haven wear finish, the lift open.
I turn & look. A big
fatfatfat dog came! I was so freaked out.
& i shouted. Amanda thought what she also freaked out & ask me cover her.
Both of us was hugging Kayxi's house door.
I love dogs, but this dog is really
veryvery fat that it freaked me out! First time see until so fat!
Amanda sat taxi home. As for me? I rot at the bus-stop with Kayxi.
Hahaha. Was quite fun lah.
But just that, suddenly i burst out. &, yeah loh. Dont want to elaborate about this matter.
Went home, nobody was at home. Feel so lonely. Sighhhh!
Mummy came back put down our food & went out again. Sigh.
Now, my house is so emtpy.. ): I need someone to talk to!!!
Tomorrow's post may be about nuffnang thingy.
So, yeah. (: Should end! Byebye!!
& oh, my sweetheart Amanda done this for me.

Thanks sweetheart! ILY too lah! <3>
Nothing will happen to you right? You promised me that you will hang on for my sake. Nothing must happen to you! :/ Takecare & iloveyou! <3>