We're all in this together!
11:39 PM Saturday, August 9, 2008
You're now older! :D 43 year old liao leh! Take car hor!
OMG, I'm so lame! xD
I'm back from the High School Musical Ice Tour.
Total amount was $187.70
I thought it was gonna be quite nice. But actually, it was not as nice as i expected. Can be better. :D
Taken more than 50 photos of them. So, probably i wouldn't be uploading any of the photos. Maybe yes, for those i like one & nice ones.
Went with who? Terence & Sister.
I thought it was going to be cold cause its raining. Decided to wear long sleeve & long pants. After showering, i feel very warm.
Apparently, when i reach there,
I'm not even cold! Taken photo with Big
Gup man. I think the one who helped us take the photo don't know how to use a camera.
After looking at the photo, i bet you guys will agree with me. :D I know
I'm mean, but its the fact.
Didn't bother to take again cause the show gonna start soon. & since the man don't know how to use a camera. ==!!
Gabriella look like Gabriella.
Troy don't look like Troy.
Sharpay look like
Ryan look like Ryan.
Troy don't even look like the real one
lah please! Its like only 10% of similarities
lah! :X
Sharpay & Ryan.
I don't know whats this. :X
The fake Gabriella
Are they kissing? :D
Get'cha your head in the game
Breaking free
We all in this together
Sharpy's pinky car!
Don't know whats this too.
Everyday. :D
But overall, i can only say is that their skating is fabulous!
:D I gonna learn ice skating one day even i know how to skate a bit.
Anyway, their things there is really way too expensive. One porn corn actually cost $15! OMG lah.
$15 i can buy loads of things. Like playing DDR for like don't know how many rounds. :D
Ended at around 9+
Stayed there for awhile. Sit train home. Then went 7-11 to eat. Stayed there almost for like 45min? I told them i want to pee & they laughed.
Had loads of funny stuffs when we're there. Haha. Came home at around 11. Was so hot lah. Showered & now using the computer.
& yes, I've something to say.
Miracle really happened. My parents allow me to transfer out. But only, the end of the year. With reasons lah of course. I've make up my mind.
If this year, i go express, i WOULD transfer out.
If this year, i not going express, then i joy well stay in this school.
Sigh, never mind.
Labels: High school Musical Laughter