3:59 PM Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tita means maid. Haha. xD
Had quite an enjoyable day today! :D Just because i went to the back to sit with Bern & Amanda. Its fun sitting there.
Even you dont do things teacher ask you do, they would not know too.
Bern, Amanda & i keep talking until __ ____ ask Amanda to sit on the floor. Haha. (:
That Amanda revenge. ): Remember yesterday's post i said i Ah chew at Amanda? She Ah chew in front of my face.
Nevermind, i should do that to her if i want to Ah chew! Haha, the fight will never end probably!
Chinese lesson was not bored todayyy. Cause had 45min to check our CA paper. So fast get back liao. Scary.
But, im quite happy with the marks i get probably? Maybe my parents still want me to work hard. Cause chinese is my best subject.
Want know mark ask me! Dont want know its betterrrrr!
I dont decide to tell them today. Maybe other day when i feel like it.
June is my student! Haha. I gonna tutor her chinese. :D
Ended school. Stayed at at school for like 30min then went home.
Didn't know daddy was home lah. Shouldn't have went home so early.
I dont know why i dont like daddy to be at home recently. ): I just feel so irritated when he talk to me.
Daddy, sorry. Give me sometime. & also sorry for giving you cold-shouders this few weeks & day. Maybe cause my mood?
I asked mummy if i can transfer out. I thought she would say yes. But the answer was not i expected. AHHHH!
She said,"why? You must tell me reasons i then let you transfer out."
I kept quiet & walked away. They should know i dont want to say out why. Cause i just want to keep it to myself!
Nevermind, shall stay in this school for another 4 years... ):
I don't know if i should wear red & white tomorrow!! Cause most of my classmate not gonna wear. & i dont have pants /skirt that is over knee or at the knee?!
==!! Maybe will just wear uniform. But i dont like to wear my uniform. Its warm!
I dont know why im just saying things out randomly from my mind. Maybe to lengthen the post. Haha!
Anyway, should stop here first?