7:33 PM Monday, August 4, 2008
My sad face is just because im very tired this few days. & i dont know why. Jolene said it may be stress. ==!!
Its like no matter how long i slept, i will still be very very tired. ): & sooner or later, i will start to get fever i think.
When IT lesson, Amanda & i pon for awhile. We stayed at toilet until IT lesson ends. Jolene changed to her ODAC clothes cause she have to take photo.
Stayed back after school to study. But end up, we was somehow chit-chatting with Jolyn, Amanda, Kayxi & Althea.
Haha, it was funny lah. Not really laughing was because im really too tired!
Tomorrow is chinese CA. & i haven study a single thing yet!! When i get back home, i sat down on the sofa like some dead person waiting for death.
Until i have the strength to pull myself up, i went & shower.
After showering, begin with my art homework which must be given to __ _____ by tomorrow. Its damn tiring.
So, my thinking was to just scribble with what i've drew & paint it as ugly as i can. & from 5+ to 7+ i've been doing only that piece of shit lah!
What a waste of my timeeeee! & im damn pissed off by my sister & cousin. They expect me to answer the call when they can.
When i said hello, i was damn pissed & i said it very very pissed. I very tired liao still come make me. WTF?!
Now, im just having my break. Later, i may be studying my chinese & go to bed. ARGHHHH! My whole body hurt like hell. & my eye gonna close in no time.
I've been yawning 6 times for every mintue lah!
Oh, recall. Yesterday, dinner was western food. Sister & i decided to help to avoid studyinggggg~
Was so fun helping lah. (:
Mushroom soup that don't even look like mushroom soup.
Guess? Whats this?
Crazy sister massging the pork.
Kay, should end. If i have typo, dont mind. I too lazy to read all over again..