9:13 PM Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Today's lesson was average. PE was tiring. & first time, i never sweat for PE. Cause maybe i didn't skip much. :X
After that was Chinese Drama. I think the clothes im wearing is really too big. Cause im suppose to be a pregnant women.
I was pulling here & there. Eventually, didn't wanted to care much. Recess time was so short lah. I saw people doing history homework.
I knew i gonna get scolding after recess. Apparently, i didn't! Lucky me. :D
Science time learnt a new topic. I think __ ____ should revise the chapter with us for CA loh. Shouldn't be teaching new topic when i still dont get the chatper for Solution & Suspension. ): Will fail i think..
Followed was English. Had English CA. Situational writing. My hand was so tired of writting. HAHA.
I think im the first one completing the paper. (:
Drama Drama Drama! :D
Love it Love it Love it! :D
Its just nice going to the black box. Went there had this stupid game that Bern & Me went crazy running & laughing our ass off. xD
I was called crust?
She was called cram?
I dont know if i spelled correctly.
First, she called crust. I think the cram have to catch us. We was like,"Ahhhh!" Bern still stand there blur blur.
When i touched the wall, she's still there laughing. ==!!
__ ___ called cream yet people is running too. Sometimes, when crust was suppose to catch cram. But it always end up to be like this...
The crust run & touch the wall yet the cram was still chasing after me.
Hahaha, Bern & Me started to laugh out damn loudly.
Sometimes, when cram was suppose to catch crust. But it also it always end up to be like this...
The crust went & catch the cram. When we touched the cram, the crust quickly run to the wall cause crust found out is cram was suppose to catch crust.
Haha. xD This is what happened to Bern & Me.
Cool eh? xD
After that, stayed back in school for awhile. I decided to go Sandra house & ask Jolene if she can come along.
She asked her mother the mother ask her to ask the father. At last, the father agreed. :D
We cab there cause its very sunnyyyyy!
Was suppose to do homework.
At last, we see each other's handphone & went to the playground & play. Haha, nothing was doneeee!
When we play the swing, its very hot. Ewwwww. But i choosen place which is under the shade. Clever me! :D
Photos before going to the playground.
Saw this book & went crazy! haha. :DD
Avoiding the camera! xD
Taken photos! -its like duh!-
Jolene, dont be paiseh! :D
Jaime, Sandra & Jolene
Jolene & Jaimeeee! :P
Sandra, Jaime & Jolene! ((:
Sandra dont want to smell my butt! Hahahaha! :X
After all the playings, we went home!
Went home showered & was so tired. I end up sleeping on the table. ):
& i drew something very sick.
Anyway, allow me to recall the past! Yesterday Tracia came my house too! I showered her & she's naughty.
She peed on my feet when i asked her to stop. ><
After showering, i taken photos with her. :D I suddenly treated her better as compared to other times. Probably i was quite sad.
Tracia! (:
She's really naughty!
Kids are kids.
Tracia Niece!
Asked her to do that was because there's a story behind. Amanda & some of my friends should know. ;)
CJ7 given by Sandra! -love-
On Monday, had IT too. I did something funny to Amanda. I knew i was going to sneeze. So i called Amanda. I hold her.
I stared at her for 5sec & i ah chew! I started laughing! Haha, its damn random loh me. xD
Anyway, this post is longggg! Enjoy reading. Goodnight readers! ;D