11:27 PM Saturday, August 23, 2008
Afternoon went online & talked to Amanda.
Was talking about we had a fight thingy.
She feel emo without me! HAHA!
I print screen the conver!
Have a look if it can be seen. :D
Im "touched" by her. xD
Amanda thought i say you're welcome as in people say thank you then you say you're welcome.
But i was saying, she is always welcome to my blog.
Haha! :D
After that offline very soon cos need to babysit Joelle.
I asked them to come cos i'm bored!
& i sms my cousin. The husband dont know how to reply in chinese.
So, he anyhow type.
Me: You all coming? Come lah!
Cousin: 午我哥哥说。
Me: Huh? What you talking about?
I see liao i blur blur. I called him & he started laughing non-stop. Waste my money only!
Joelle so cute lah. I freaking love her. :D
Was having fun until didn't know the time was 5.47 already.
I faster went to shower & pack my things & meet Shuchun at bus stop.
It was raining & its fcking cold kayzxz!
I brought jacket & almost freeze to death.
Tuition was all doing test paper!!!!
Its damn bored & tiring kayzx!
Draw on paper again. HE!
Yuling didn't notice! :D
End of tuition! Finally! Its time! :D
Damn unlucky. Come out from Mac toilet saw the traffic the green man gonna finish, we run.
Then stop, bus come. We run again but didn't get the bus.
We decided to walk to interchange.
Walk walk walk, saw mouse.
We thought it was a cat. Then suddenly mouse.
Shuchun shouted 老鼠!
HAHA! She run front i run back.
I keep jumping when i run lah. People was laughing at us.
Then when Shuchun say walk shortcut dont need walk one circle.
I was scared got mouse or whatever.
I began hugging her & keep shouting while laughing.
HAHAHAHAHAH! Damn funny lah.
Then Shuchun suddenly keep laughing. Her laughter made me laugh.
Went up the bus also laugh. LOL!
The bus was so empty. Just got 4 people including us.
Family want to eat supper.
Worse thing, KFC!!! OMG lah!
While waiting for food, shuchum make double eyelid.
I started laughing very
loudly! Really very loud loh.
& i dont know why i laugh for what. HEHE.
Walked home & now blogging while talking to Amanda.
She's rushing me to post.