The day i quite enjoy (:
8:02 PM Friday, August 15, 2008
Yesh, changed blogskin due to boredom. D:
Which is
NOT a good thinggggg!
Once i go into blogskins, i was so crazy with all the skins i'm seeing.
Eventually, i chose this. Its quite nice for me too lah. Hahahahahahahahahha!
Anyway, get back to school.
Drama is extremely fun todayzxzxzx!
Had this game that we must tell Jolyn why she was late. Ms Sim was so funny. I kept laughing non-stop lah. Only that Bern was quite moody due to some problem.
But now, she's okay! :D
Contact time, Mr P first time say after the end of exams, we had good results. We can have an excursion if school have no plans for us.
Its totally not him. HAHA!
Recess time was chiong-ing for History even i know no matter how hard i study, i will still fail.
But its better than nothing lah. xD
PC had this sexual talkie. 1/7 was like all eeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
English time our class kena punish for talking even Ms Nor had ask us to keep quiet.
Hahahaha. :D
I wasn't feeling nervous, scared or whatever feeling. Just very relax. :D
What came up to my mind, i just write. Don't even bother if is correct not. Kaka.
History test end. Ask Mrs Ho whats our marks. She refuses to tell us.
She only tell us this.
Mrs Ho: 37 people take the test. & 31 people pass.
OMG lah. I thought everyone will pass. After seeing June's paper. I realise i get Q4 wrong which is 2 marks. Last question i never do. The rest, not sure if get correct. OMGZXZX! ):
Sigh, wish get 15 & aboveeee.
Should end my talkings here. Joelle is at my house nowww. Wanted to post the photos. But was somehow lazyyyy. :X
Sorry to make you piss. I really have no intention of doing whatever you're thinking now. I seriously have NO intention. I can swear! I didn't purposely did that. Really! DON'T HAVE! Still, im sorry. :/
I mind how you guys look at me. What is you guys impression towards me? I always wanted to know the answer. If not, its really hard for me. ): If i done something wrong, sorry. At least just tell me. Maybe i can stop if i can? But if you guys still behave to be like that, & i'm always saying sorry when i dont think i'm wrong, then i will never gonna care anymore. I will get pissed! :@
Tifflin! Thanks for understanding! (:
My tag to her regarding that matter.
Her reply. So thick skin loh she. :X
Continue on 10.42Sister & i said Joelle was smelly.
She just cried out! >< HAHA. She softer liao, we say again. Then she cry louder AGAIN!
Labels: Blogskins Drama History Math Joelle Piss