5:58 PM Thursday, August 21, 2008
Woke up at 6.15a.m & normally i wake up at 6a.m.
Knew i was gonna be SO SO late!
Apparently, was still showering slowly, combing my hair slowly, doing my stuffs slowly. Everything is slow lah.
I sat bus at 7!! Hahahaha!
Reach school at 7.19a.m.
6 more min late already
HAHA. Ask Mr Pang somethings & get back fanning myself. Its damn warm kayzxzx?!
Go back to class was lit. Only one standing up cos never bring book. Cheh!
At least, Ms Chang is kind enough. She just let me stand 30min only which is VERY LONG!!!
That 30min, i was playing around. xD
When Miss Chang asked me to sit, i was so blur. I looked at her after 5sec i ohhh.
Next up is Science. Had test.
Didn't really studied. So, tikam tikam loh! ;D
After recess was Art! First time Art was so fun canzxz?!
I done my work so i went & find Sonia & Bern.
I help Sonia with her Art work. When lesson gonna end, i wanted to waste Math lesson's time. So, i coloured my own hand, face & other things.
Everyone saw my face was laughing. At last, was really late for Math! Ahha.
Math everyone was fighting over answers. So funny lah! (:
Next up, HISTORY!
Gonna get back test paper. Alot of people really pass okay! Quite alot get 20+.
As for me? I think im the lowest. (: I gotten 9/30!
Cool right?! TOLD YOU GUYS! No interest in History! xD
I was talking about whose lowest. I find out not me lowest. Is Gloria. She gotten zerooooo!!
Cos she was sick & didn't take test. & her reaction was nothing.
She was so blur, doing her spec. I see until her i want laugh. Hehheh!

Chinese was next. Chinese time pass very fast. Cos, its fun & we freaking love Mrs Peggy Tan lah!
Even sometimes she scolds, but i still think she's nice. :D
-Bell ringgggg- Have choir! Today's choir was quite okay lah. Mr Liew so good let us off so early!! Suppose till 6. But let off 1h earlier!
I think he's damn nice lah. His damn funny too! :D
Went home just on the computer as mummy is not at homeee! -yayism!-
Feel so relax! (:
Anyway, should end my talkingggsss!!!!!!