9:36 PM Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yesterday slept very early. 8 plus? I put my alarm at 9.30p.m. to pack my bag. At last, i heard my sister talking on the phone.
I woke up & it was 10 plus?!?!?!?!?!
I just take out my chinese book & went back to my room & sleep back again.
Haha, damn retarded loh!

First period is PE. Today is the last lesson for skipping! ):
I will miss Miss FeiFei.
She's like so kind, funny & good lah! Love her! <3
After PE, was chinese. Had chinese drama.
Wasn't in the mood to act first place. When i act, i must warm up then can really act well. Haha.
Gonna have rehersal next Mondayyyyy!!!
Until 5 leh! ):
Followed was History lesson!!!
Thought will get back paper. But NO. Gonna get it tomorrow. Teacher say most people pass. I bet I'm those little people who failed.
I never even studied for History. No interest in it loh!
AIYER! Then Alicia was really really really damn damn damn boliao! She keep writing small notes for me. Total 7.
I was sleeping during History lesson! Kaka~
Then i wrote back to her on a tissue paper! :D
English lesson was kinda funny. Time pass quite fast lah.
I love it. (: Was fun lah. Don't want to elaborate much. Lazy lah. Haha! Had choir after school.
I think im much more happier in Sop 2.
1/5 & 1/3 can go home. Cause their class people got Hand Food Mouth diasease.
Total already 8 leh! 2 more the school gonan close.
OMG lah. Dangerous. Heheheh.
Anyway, should stop talkinggg. :D DADA!

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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