5:28 PM Tuesday, August 19, 2008
As usual, boring. ):
Art was okay lah cause we can do our things like do art or walk around. Haha.
Next lesson, Math!!!
Getting back CA paper. Was so worried i will get low.
But i didn't okayyy! I get 16/20.
I know its not high lah. As long as I'm happy with it.
I can actually get 19. All careless mistakes lah! ):
Nevermind, done liao what can i do? Cheh.
After recess chinese. BORING BORING!
About to fall asleep. :X
Reading, i ran up & down the stairs 7 times.
They still want put water to bluff they sweat. I also got put.
Ending up, i was really sweating. Tiring okayzxz! But can
diet good lah! Hahahaha.
Home Ec was alright. Mrs Ang come back liao. ): I want Ms Ee!
Photo in toilet
End of school! ;D
Went to parkway with Tifflin, Sandra, Qinhui & Jolene.
Went & eat pastamania. I've been eating heavy meals.
Sure gain weight!
Was full after eating everything.
I am the only one who completed eating.
The rest, there was leftovers. This represent that I'm getting
Unglam of Jolene Seah! :D
Mine. (: Haha, the waiter take it away. Thats why, i decided to
After eating finish, they went to my house to do their lit project but i wasn't in their group.
Sandra went home earlier as she have tuition.
In bus, i thought of alot of things.
Reasons of transfering school.
Which school am i going?
Is she happy today?
If she is, why i'm i still sad?
Whose wrong? Me or her?
Some of the question of what i was thinkinggg.
I will answer it one day in my blog. I also cannot answer it myself. Might as well write it down?
On computer & search for mongoose!!! Saw videos of mongoose was so ewwwww.
They print of a photo of mongoose. Just nice, i went & edit the mongoose photo.
After like 30min of searching, went down the swimming pool to play.
I push Jolene down into the pool. :X
Sorry Jolene for hurting youuu. D:
Look at the photos! :D
Before getting wet. (:
The chair jolene sat on. xD
After getting wet. :P
Sorry Jolene! ):
TIfflin! :D
Jaime, Jolene & Tifflin.
I was talking to Tifflin!!!
Unsuccesful! ):
We did it. :]
Jolene's uniform! HAHA!
5.15 they left. Look at how they wear their shoes. Tsktsktsk.
Qinhui both photo also just nice look at camera. :D
Jolene still can twist sia. ><
Its just unfair to me. ):
Others get to have fun with you, not me.
Others get to be with you, but not me.
Others get to share your joy, not me.
Others get to talk to you, but not me.
Others get to sms you, not me.
Others get to play with you, but not me.
Is this what i've gotten always? ):
I don't get it. I
really dont get it.
I think it really very very unfair to me.
Unless you think its
very fair for me.
You misunderstood me yet you think youre controlling me life?!
Wthell?! ):
IT! D:
YES! Vulgar!
You fcking have an attitude.
You say me when you did that in the past also.
So its MY fault?! NO!
So what if it pissed you off?!
No one ask you to care?!
So why are you saying so much?! Cheh!