9:02 PM Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Anyway, you guys should know i have a blogshop now.
Support & visit kay?
Thanks! :D

Today im fcking pissed with alot of person.
Its like from morning until the end of Sciene lesson lah.
Amanda, i admit i was quite pissed with you too lah. But then, i was okay after that.
As for another two matters i will be only saying one matter. The other, i dont feel like saying. D:
I dont care if they came across my blog & i've offended them.
But they offended me. I know people will ask me, dont bother lah. But i just cant let things off so easily again!
Please don't judge people when you're not even perfect too.
It really hurts when i HEARD you guys say about me during recess today!
As what Tifflin say, don't judge me when i don't even know you that much. & you don't even know me that much too.
If im an idiotic, you're even more.
If im an ugly bitch, you're even ten times double than me.
So, please get the facts right before saying me okayxzxz?! Just fuck off lah kay? -middle finger-

Kay, sorry if i spoilt your mood lah readers. ><
Cause im really tired of the troubles you people(talk bad about me) had given me.
Anyway, choir today was voice replacement again.
But in fact, today was being test for the low note. My lowest was only G! Wthell. xD
& now im super duper guai. (:
I've studied since i came back from choir.
Now, i'm just have an one hour break & i'll continue later with History & lit.
Im guai also got reasons one definitely. (: Tomorrow got test!
Which made me very stress about it.
Im really very busy this week. & i have no time to study! So, im rushing nowww!
Nevermind, i want go study liao.

Stop giving me troubles. After all, im not in trouble, you are. Cause my patience have limit!

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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