7:40 PM Monday, July 28, 2008

Today girl guides had dont know what today. The Japanese pupils came to our school. & June's buddy was so cute & pretty.
I freaking love the eye lah! The name is...
I was suppose to help June to entertain her. But had some difficulties talking to her. So, end up. I was just staring at what happen all along. :D Then she cried.
So sad lah!
Haha. After school, had lit supp.
Before that, went to 7-11 with Jolene, Noreen, XingWen & Amanda.
They eat & we went back to class then proceed to needle work room.
After that, went home with June. Suddenly bad mood. ):
Its like, all my friends are leaving me one by one. SIGH~
Went home daddy was like wthell. I've been treating my daddy very cold this few weeks. I dont know why.
I slept for 15min then wake up & do some homeworks. Do half way, saw the sky. Its orange.
Fcking nice lah! :D
Kay, end of post! ;)

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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