8:35 PM Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Im back from East Coast with Tifflin. :D *YAY*
Cause tomorrow she's going to Perth & none of the laughing family is going to accompany her.
So, i go with her loh. :D
Morning i forgotten all about the facial thingy leh. Then i sleep until my mother called me that you called your friend come ah?
I just jump up & went to the toilet. :X Yesterday night slept damn early & maybe i forgetten. Slept and 10 yesterday.
Cause yesterday got choir & not enough sleep so thats why. & sorryyyy Sheryl, i never reply you. Cause slept & cousin saw the message without telling me anything as i slept already? Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry! D:
After showering, i was kind paiseh that i let tifflin waited lah. Showered went to city & eat. Cause both of us did not eat at all. :X
Look at the fussy Tifflin. :D
She took out all the mushrooms.
After eating went facial liao. :D After like pressing everything. Mine was normal cause my face was like still okayy.
Tifflin need to put the icey icey mask. Look at her. :D
After facial i went to salon meilan jiejie shop & wash hair. I made curl my hair. Hahahahahahha. :D
After that, we head to East Coast :)
We played DDR! ;D Then i saw my priamry school friends & they're all now in P6. They maade me damn uncomfortable when i play DDR.
& i failed on the 3rd stage. D: I leave loh. They shouted,"慢走哦!"Okay, firstly, whats their problem sia? I never even say anything or do anything to them.
Im damn pekcek i shouted back FUCK! Went down saw Tifflin's cousin.
Told him about the situation, he went & scold them. xD
Funny one is that that when they leave, how the cousin & friends scold them i damn funny loh. :D
The friends helped too. :D Anyways, thanks. & tiff, the answer is i've cooled down. ;P
After everything, went to the shore & taken pictures. :D Take a look. ;P
Finally get a picture of this. :D Total taken 5 tries of it. :D
After that went burger king & eat. (:
Eat liao, go home loh.
The bus the window break. Then stop a while. Then drive drive drive, the glass bomb! The bus have to stop. The uncle break all the window then push it out. If not, it will make until the people outside.
Look at it. :D
Its abit unclear cause im rushing cause my sister coming back liaooo. :X SORRY.
Tiff Tiff, thanks for the day. (:

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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