5:39 PM Tuesday, June 10, 2008
D: I think my blog gonna die soon & im not doing anything?
Eh, NO! Is cause my computer & laptop is dead. Wait, not computer & laptop dead, is my internet dead. ):
& the day im never post, there's LOADS of things to say okay?
Cause i've been going out for the whole entire week last week & maybe this week. Hahaha. & maybe i will forget everything.
& currently, im in lan. & sister dont allow one. She sacred i addicted to it. Aiyah jiejie, i wouldn't one lah. Trust me!
Kay, no photos for this post. Will just say what happen & blah blah. Photos maybe when my internet is okay, i will upload. No cable & everything now.
Went vivo just because of sister want to go & buy clothes, bags, shoes & etc. Then because of this, i went with them also lah. Even i dont feel like.
Waited for cousin & sister.
They put make-up. & usually we wait mummy. Now is mummy wait for them. Of course, i just wear contact lense can liao loh. Dont need so mafan! ><
Went to Fox, Mango, Forever 21 & somemore but i forgotten.
I went there got nothing to buy. So i was the one wh always sit down to look at them & serve them like a retarded ass holes.
While waiting, my cousin taken photos.
Went starbucks too. :D
Then shop until 10 plus. Went to Marche to eat. The things there are damn cool. They give you a card& you buy what the money will be deposited inside.
The mushroom is like so wonderful! :D
Everyone had a photo of themself. [but not mummy] (:
Extra photos to be uploaded.
Then head to toilet. Saw this thingy which made me so crazy.
Hahhaha. :D
Then after went home liao loh. ;D
Went to meet my darlings. Xiaoqing&kiajun. (:
They're still the same. (:
& i miss them loads!
Then went & eat dessert.
Yeah, after everything here & there i went to meet sister & cousin at ECP.
Went Mac and taken someone's food which he dont want liao. He haven touch until leh.
See, saw the circle circle one?
Opsss! It went missing! D:
I quite bored lah. Then someone pissed me off maybe? But, nvm. Okay liao. :DDDDDDD
Went & play DDR also. :D hahahha. Saw this girl who play double. She's damn cool. (:
Parkway is play with xiaoqing.
Went kbox with cousin & sister again. :D Heheheh. We sang & play & eat. :D Really enjoyed. ;D
Went home that time, taxi was damn cool. But the fare was cool too. .____.
Went home saw niece Tracia wait us until sleep liao.
Joelle was there. Saw my cousin? She want wrap the baby then i saw she doing this.
Went Parkway to find cousin. :D Then payar lebar to buy clothes with cousin & sister.
Went to parkway to cut hair & buy some things again. xD
My hair now damn little. But i quite like it lah. :D
Per person cut is 87.50.
The name crad of the person who made my hair. :D
Their there damn style. They dress & everything is being loved. :D
Then eat & shop a while went home.
Night time, we played & be crazy. xD
Look at my cousie.
Now in lan loh. Blog loh. Hahah. Thats all.
Photos will be uplaod. (: